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Want to commission a non-animesh RP item

Deathly Fright

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I'm hoping to commission a static mesh, or maybe with moving parts with scripts, for a character of mine. It is a staff, and I can add my own holding animations. I wouldn't be against you adding your own bento ones though.

I wouldn't care if it was sold elsewhere, but I would want at least mod&copy rights (rather have full rights though) as well as the finished textures, normals, and specular. I will not be reselling it myself, and you can resell it if you'd like.

Price would be negotiated, with half before. Know that I am serious about this though and do not intend on wasting your time and mine being a cheapskate.

I have a good idea for what I want and I can give details in an IM inworld once I have an idea of your ability to make mesh. I've been burned before, so I'd rather see your portfolio and what you can do first.

Edited by Deathly Fright
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