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Second Life 2021 New Year's Resolutions

Love Zhaoying

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A year is a long time, and the new year hasn't quite started yet, so I'm going to be optimistic about what I can accomplish.

I would like to learn about, and understand the how and why, of using AOs and UVs that come with full-perm items.  I have a lot of full perm home and garden items that might be more interesting to do something with if I was able to properly texture/color them instead of just coloring them from the edit window color picker.   That I only used GIMP for resizing photos until this year when I learned to make alpha layers, contributes to my non-understanding of layers and wrapping/unwrapping etc.,  but, I did finally learn to make alpha layers, so I think there is some hope.  

Perhaps this will be the year that I will succeed in learning how to make something simple in Blender. 

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2 minutes ago, MoiraKathleen said:

Perhaps this will be the year that I will succeed in learning how to make something simple in Blender. 

Good luck. A new Blender class is beginning @ Builder's Brewery in January. I found a lot of help @ BlenderBenders but the teacher there actually died not long ago   :(   However they might start new classes headed by someone else I heard...

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Expecting tons more work in the day job, which I'm ready to tackle head on with F2F student work. (1 on 1 average, maximum of 3 students), Covid-19 or not.
To maintain my incredibly strict virus protection/safety routines for self, family and friends.
All my close personal contacts used to go > 0.o < when I whipped out the isopropyl alcohol spray bottle and misted the immediate area after someone coughed or sneezed.
They all do it now.
I don't normally do New Years resolutions,  but these are mine for 2021.
🖕 Schmuck u Covid-19! 😝  

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less Forum, want to stop wasting my time reading potentially interesting threads( also when not participating) constantly ruined by a white knight or sjw
less Answers, nearly all questions passed at least hundreds of times, but the lame search and people not using the KB...prevents to look for/find solutions

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