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Firestorm acting strange


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Was at a sim today, and during the event, my viewer started flashing rapidly, and I could not move. I logged off, then right back on and it was fine. A friend also experienced this issue today,but she did not say where she was at the time.  What could it be? I was at the following sim when it happened ( http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Borneo/205/151/25)  I am on Firestorm Not sure what my friend was using. 

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@KarraSueWhile I am not doubting what you experienced, the version of FS you mention does not exist, at least officially.

There is of the last non EEP releases, but I used that exclusively from its release until 6.3.9 and then 6.4.12 came along without experiencing any issues.

What you describe sounds like a graphics glitch, something not unknown as a result of griefing activity, of which there has been reported a lot over the holiday period.

Edited by Aishagain
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