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What kind of report abuse it is?

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The thing is, someone spammed a group chat selling a gacha hair outside official channels.

Then that person wrote me a personal message with same copy pasted info.

All I could find about it was disturbing the peace / repetitive spam (since was spamming the group chat + myself and probably many groups and residents) but nothing about selling outside marketplace or inworld.

It could very well be fraud but when i read about it, it really didn't apply.. 

Not so long ago someone was complaining because was scammed that way.  Those are new to the game and unless we oldies are aware of this scammers (I assumed it was) and report or leave a message in any group chat that are doing this, people are going to have a really bad time on the game...

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4 minutes ago, Elisaisabel Munro said:

The thing is, someone spammed a group chat selling a gacha hair outside official channels.

Then that person wrote me a personal message with same copy pasted info.

All I could find about it was disturbing the peace / repetitive spam (since was spamming the group chat + myself and probably many groups and residents) but nothing about selling outside marketplace or inworld.

It could very well be fraud but when i read about it, it really didn't apply.. 

Not so long ago someone was complaining because was scammed that way.  Those are new to the game and unless we oldies are aware of this scammers (I assumed it was) and report or leave a message in any group chat that are doing this, people are going to have a really bad time on the game...

Disturbing the peace/repetitive spam is the correct option.

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There's nothing wrong about "selling outside of 'official' channels."

You don't have to sell on Marketplace, or through a vendor. You can just talk to someone directly, get paid, and transfer the item.

But spamming groups or unwanted soliciting should be reported as you guessed.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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Whilst you say spammed it is not clear if they repeatedly sent their message. Either way I am not sure it is something to report to the Lindens unless it is phishing.

You could set a group up for the purpose of reselling gachas, although not one I would want to join.

If there is a violation it is likely to be against the policy for the group they were sending their messages in and the best way to deal with it would be to report it to the group's owner\officers\moderator.

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The main thing to beware of is when someone posts a link in group chat.  ("Hey guys!  Free hair! http://www.secondl1fe.altervista.net")  If you click the link, you appear to be on a Marketplace login page...but if you enter your credentials, your account and your money get stolen.

These should be Abuse Reported.

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