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A way to use custom font in the in-world chat? (psuedo translator, actual font change, literal tiny image display, etc)


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Hello there. I am wondering if there is a way to use a custom font that is not built into an y Windows, Linux, Mac, nor any other OS in the in-world chat. It can be done via psuedo fake translator, real translator somehow, actually enabling other PCäs to display it properly, converting the font into tiny images and displaying that, or any other method I cannot think of.

Another method I thought of though was something like the Animal Crossing Typer I use found here (ignore the crappy marketing, itäs a blatant Animal Crossing rip off): https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/bt-shop-typer-animalese-typer/19956600  It works because it has each letter loaded into it as an image, then it displays the image of the letter where it needs to go. Sadly it is no mod, so I am not able to simply change it out for a font I want. This idea would clearly work, but I am not advanced enough to make a typer. Is there a free script I can use to make it? I could not find one myself.

Thank you for reading. 

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