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Looking for a Job!!


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Hi all! I am currently looking for a decent job that is not in a stripclub. Besides that I am open to anything. I might be a newbie but I am a fast learner and I'm not completely inexperienced with roleplaying. If you can help me, please don't hesitate on replying!


Happy holidays! x

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1 hour ago, exbabie said:

Hi all! I am currently looking for a decent job that is not in a stripclub. Besides that I am open to anything. I might be a newbie but I am a fast learner and I'm not completely inexperienced with roleplaying. If you can help me, please don't hesitate on replying!


Happy holidays! x

There are perhaps a 1/2 dozen places hirimg right under your post with info on how to apply.  Be it an online application, A place to pick up an application or a person to contact, most places have some way for you to apply for work.

Good luck!

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