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Lelutka Fleur Animations


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I have recently brought the Lelutka head. If i go to the long bar hud menu and click the play button symbol on the left it opens up to me to all the animations. At the bottom it has facial expressions. I can select one at a time and it will play, like a smile or wink. 

How do i set it so my avi will automatically cycle through facial animations with out having to manually go in to the hud and click the one i want.

I have looked on lelutka website and there the hud seems very different to mine.

Any help much apperciated and Merry Christmas!!

Ps besides the above i love my fleur head!

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You have to use moods on top (where it says "basic moods" ), those are cycled and more subtle, than full face expression you found at the bottom of that page. There's quite a lot to choose from, and if you select a few they'll play randomly.

Edited by steeljane42
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