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Opportunity For Scripter - SCRIPTER PENDING


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I am seeking a scripter to cast their magical mumbo-jumbo, and call to the demonic arts of LSL (Or is it SLS??)

What's the opportunity? To script a two part AO hud that to control both an attached animesh avatar component, as well as the avatar (think normal avatar upper body, animesh lower body) in a way that will allow RP action buttons, animation syncing for all movements, and synced ground sits. Ideally in a way that's low lag, OR have the option to be low lag, minimal function, like a simple movement AO, with a ground sit override.

And one last note. Core code need not be modifiable, but animations need to be changeable as I am a content creator looking to make and sell more complicated avatars for RP use. Folks love making their own animations, and an AO is no good if they can't customize it. So, mod friendly, and up for being part of a sold item.



Edited by GarouGrey
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  • GarouGrey changed the title to Opportunity For Scripter - SCRIPTER PENDING
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