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Listing image help?


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Allow me to apologize first off if this isn't where I should be posting this; I looked through the forums and thought this would perhaps be the best place to ask this question I have.

Namely, primarily -- it's just this one question: Is there any way to add an image to a batch of items I'm putting up for sale? I'm a gacha reseller and the biggest pain I deal with is having to put an image on each and every listing in preparation individually. If there's a way for me to add an image to a batch of listings that all come from the same gacha, that would save me so much of a headache. I haven't figured out how to do this, not yet, if there is a way to do so.

If there isn't? Well, I suppose that I'll just grind my teeth and deal with it. I'm sincerely hoping there is a way to do this, though! Any help is, as ever, greatly appreciated.

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1 hour ago, synicide said:

Is there any way to add an image to a batch of items I'm putting up for sale?

Nope, you have to upload separately for each and every listing. It helps a little bit if you save the image in jpeg format rather than png.


1 hour ago, synicide said:

I'm a gacha reseller and the biggest pain I deal with is having to put an image on each and every listing in preparation individually.

Listing on MP is supposed to be painful and LL has gone out of their way to make it as clumsy and cumbersome as possible.

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1 minute ago, ChinRey said:

Nope, you have to upload separately for each and every listing. It helps a little bit if you save the image in jpeg format rather than png.


Listing on MP is supposed to be painful and LL has gone out of their way to make it as clumsy and cumbersome as possible.

I was afraid of that, so, so much.

Why they can't make it so we could just upload an image key with a batch of gacha items from the same one... 

Ah well. Thank you!

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