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How popular is Altamura


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SOME items made for Maitreya will work for altamura gals. There are a few clothing items in the altamura shop. For awhile there were more clothes "marked" as altamura but many of those didn't fit anyway ^^.  The shoulder and back area on anything with straps seems to be a problematic area -- so no "harness" garments for sure.  Anything with long sleeves is most likely OK, like sweaters and jackets. Swimsuits will be difficult.


For the guys the same applies.  Short sleeved tops and vests are difficult to find but sweaters and jeans are fairly easy.

Note that the newest bodies given out are BOM (nice for changing skins) but have no alpha cuts. So you will need to use alpha textures of old to block out any poke through. When I was at altamura this morning the NEW box out (bigger) wasn't set for delivery yet, but inside were a bunch of alpha textures. You can also get packs of those on the Marketplace. 



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another way to find Altamura clothing might be to put Altamura in search on MP,  I know some designers (including myself) put Altamura in the key words so that should be picked up in search.  Not in the merchant/store  search box but in the general search  where it says "keywords" .   I just tried that to see what came up and I got over 800 pages of Altamura stuff.

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Coincidentally, all this week I decided to fire up my old head and body tracker system and hung out at several popular events to gather data. Here is what I recorded:

Top 200 heads with 10462 unique wearers:


Top 100 bodies with 11409 unique wearers:


How about the market share that #1 has...

#33 & #34 have different creators. I guess they decided to let "someone else" be the premiere for that brand AFTER the initial release...

Top 200 head & body combinations with 10116 unique wearers:


Use the this chart to either see where your head & body rank or what not to wear so you don't look like everyone else, heh.

IDK what happened with #70 as it is incorrect.

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It's been said many times already, but no, Altamura isn't awfully popular among creators. The most well supported brands for females tend to be Maitreya, Legacy, Belleza (particularly Freya) and Slink, with some support for Tonic, Kemono, Signature Alice and Inithium. The legacy, signature and belleza bodies tend to be popular among male avatars.

Altamura tends to get a lot of attention whenever they put out a free body or head, but people picking those up are usually alts, users who already have well supported bodies and intend to use this on the side, or people who don't care about having clothing support.

I've seen some freebies for altamura at the Ajuda SL Brasil sim, if you want to take a look.


6 hours ago, Lucia Nightfire said:

Coincidentally, all this week I decided to fire up my old head and body tracker system and hung out at several popular events to gather data. Here is what I recorded:

Top 200 heads with 10462 unique wearers:


Top 100 bodies with 11409 unique wearers:


How about the market share that #1 has...

#33 & #34 have different creators. I guess they decided to let "someone else" be the premiere for that brand AFTER the initial release...

Top 200 head & body combinations with 10116 unique wearers:


Use the this chart to either see where your head & body rank or what not to wear so you don't look like everyone else, heh.

IDK what happened with #70 as it is incorrect.

Wow, this must have taken a lot of work! But it's very interesting and comprehensive, thanks for the info!

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