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Inithium KUPRA Mesh Body

Nikita Neuman

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So the Germans wont answer me, how friendly uuuhhh, so i ask here.

Does anyone got the Inithium Kupra Mesh Body?

If yes, than explain me some Way, so my Breasts dont stand away like dumb Watermelons?

I saw already others, they had the Breasts so feminine, nice and sexy, they were like deformed to more Beauty, if i look my KUPRA, i look like a Blown Up Rubberdoll >:( 

Any Suggestions for me or is there some good Deformer?

Tysm all Happy Xmas all

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Ok, ahhh thats maybe why.

Hey honey, is this an EXTRA Single Body if i want that, i have to pay Extra?

I ask, cause the first Normal already costet me ufzzz 4000L$. And that was in his first Days of Offering, he was cheaper, i think now he is at 5K?

Tysm :)

Edited by Nikita Neuman
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  • 5 weeks later...
On 12/27/2020 at 4:22 PM, Jenn Rowley said:

That's because they do look that bad... Those body's are horrible, but yet people seem to be flocking to bimbo look... 

I understand you have a differing opinion, but there are ways to make every body look stunning. Just because you don’t like the look of this one doesn’t mean you have to be judgmental. 😄 

To the OP: I think the people above me have all covered your question fairly well, but I may as well insert my two cents anyways, haha. I have to agree with those above, I’d assume the version you’re looking for is the Kupra Kups. From my understanding, the original Kupra caters to those who love the full figured, busty women. So it does make sense that the boobs may look like melons. Just the way it is! 

Much love!

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I tried not to say anything, but I couldn’t help it.  From looking at the OP’s profile and Flickr she likes having large breasts. I think she was more asking how to change the shape, not so much the size. Her last post on flickr literally says “I love Inithium Kupra”

She was asking for deformers, people just took it somewhere else.

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I was looking at the demo earlier. The breasts especially the low style do look odd the way they defy gravity, I tried to see if I could get them to look less weird adding physics without success. But, if you match the body up with the Session V-Bento it comes with some deformers and by rotating them down you can get them to look natural... You can also take some of the bulk away from your butt too.

So in answer to the OP: try the deformers on the Session V-Bento demo and see if that helps with the look you are wanting. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Body itself isnt that bad, the only Thing is, Sking makes the Breasts and the Butt always a bit too extreme, cause who wants to look like a Hippo from the Nile? 😂

I found many Deformers on MP, but than i saw the Breasts look like pulled down, like a Dough, so the look too long and what i know from Real Anatomy, Women Breasts never look with the Nipples into the Air, thats ridicolous!


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Wait... wait... what have you got against hippos? Don't you know hippos are an SL Linden thing?  😶 (teasing)

You are one of the ones that prefer realistic human looks and proportions. Yay! Me too. But, SL is fantasy in many ways and lots of people go down that path. For some number of people in SL this will be just what they want. So extremes are a good thing to them and anything but ridiculous... even if it is ridiculous.


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On 2/11/2021 at 9:36 AM, Nikita Neuman said:

The Body itself isnt that bad, the only Thing is, Sking makes the Breasts and the Butt always a bit too extreme


If you just want a larger bosom, there's an 'addon' for maitreya called 'Proud Girls' that can be dialed anywhere from 'reasonable' to 'crazy large' but has a closer to natural form to it - they don't stick out like rockets aimed at the moon. Dialed down right, it can look almost natural. But you won't be able to get much clothing for it... I think the entire list of things made for it take up a page or two at most of marketplace.

There's also some addons for belleza freya, but these all suffer from rocket ship issues.

Now that Maitreya has made 2 addons for smaller sized chests, I really wish they would do one for larger chests - the default maitreya still feels about 10-20% too small when dialed to 100... We aren't all built like a 17-year old skinny runway model after all.

If we had something "official" merchants might support it...

It's always the extremes though, when you start to ask for large, you get weather ballons strapped to the front of your avatar. That IS the look I now sport, but it's half for comedic value as my personal 'silent protest' over not being able to find something just reasonably a little more. If they're only gonna give me rockets, I'm going for the full ICBM.


Likewise I would like a larger rear in an a body, but not THAT large.

These bodies look less like they were made to allow for curvy or African bodies, and more like they were made to make fun of such bodies...

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No Critic to America, i love the Country, BUT and here it comes, what Motto do American Women live by?

Beauty Madness and the Ideal of the perfection in Beauty. That´s the only Thing, where my Coffee comes back up!

Do we look, who is No 1 with Fashion Runway, Usa, than Paris.

And how many Real Models already died, of stick the Finger in the Throat and vomit, so they don´t get a tiny bit Weight more or even ate Cotton wool, yea i readed this already on Websites and saw it in Docus. Tell what this is, pure Idiocy, false arrogance and ignorance!

Now a new Law, forced Fashion Designers real, to also MUST hire thicker Models with more Weight Real, as Example, what i think is only FAIR!

Starving yourself out is in my Eyes psychically disturbed Minded!

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I was surprised that yomeshoujo&hitogata started designing for Kupra and came out with a FREE GIFT for it as well. They mainly catered to the kawaii/lolita market that are usually super petite, slim, and frail-looking. This is a good sign for people interested in, or are already wearing the Kupra body. I will wait for at least another 4-6 months before I buy the body for an alt when the clothing choices have expanded further.

今日 谷間犬いうのを発見した。

You can get the gift here: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Soap/235/100/26

FREE GIFT hitogata imo Jersey for perky ,Lagacy(m) and KUPRA orignal


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Honestly, the Kupra is the perfect body, least fer the kind of avatar was goin' for!

Got it on launch at first was a bit underwhelming on the creators to get clothes of quality, but glad that the scene is growing, and a lovely amount of cool creators to support it, im in love!

Also, using it with a m4 venus head and a bom skin, feels and looks wonderful, (least on my end)

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On 2/16/2021 at 2:25 PM, Nikita Neuman said:

No Critic to America, i love the Country, BUT and here it comes, what Motto do American Women live by?

Beauty Madness and the Ideal of the perfection in Beauty. That´s the only Thing, where my Coffee comes back up!

Do we look, who is No 1 with Fashion Runway, Usa, than Paris.

And how many Real Models already died, of stick the Finger in the Throat and vomit, so they don´t get a tiny bit Weight more or even ate Cotton wool, yea i readed this already on Websites and saw it in Docus. Tell what this is, pure Idiocy, false arrogance and ignorance!

Now a new Law, forced Fashion Designers real, to also MUST hire thicker Models with more Weight Real, as Example, what i think is only FAIR!

Starving yourself out is in my Eyes psychically disturbed Minded!


Who asked you?

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