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Where to rent just prims?


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I have a hell of a time sifting through sources to find rentals. Its pretty overwhelming without any systems in place that can group it together and let me compare it seems impossible.

Can someone tell me where I can look to rent prims to build my own skybox? And then where to find their competitors for a comparison?

I've looked at a lot of skyboxes, so I'd rather stop and build my own on a preferably less laggy sim.

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3 minutes ago, taintedxjennifer said:

I have a hell of a time sifting through sources to find rentals. Its pretty overwhelming without any systems in place that can group it together and let me compare it seems impossible.

Can someone tell me where I can look to rent prims to build my own skybox? And then where to find their competitors for a comparison?

I've looked at a lot of skyboxes, so I'd rather stop and build my own on a preferably less laggy sim.

You don't rent Prims -- and the term is actually LI (land impact) now.  You rent locations that come with a specific LI allowance, usually based on the size of the area you rent from.  Many rentals will allow you to put up a skybox - whether built by you or purchased - just check the rental rules.

There is no consolidated listing anywhere or any way to find all competitors in the rental market.  Searching inworld and even via Google should give you plenty of options.


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4 hours ago, taintedxjennifer said:

Can someone tell me where I can look to rent

In addition to what LittleMe mentioned regarding searching, you can also:

Check the various Rental sub-forums here in the Land Forum - many times there will be a LM in their ads to their main rental store location.  

Search in the Marketplace, under "Real Estate" category where when you 'buy' the item for L$0,  what you will receive is generally the LM to the parcel, or to their main rental store location.

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