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Akeruka gift head glitch?

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30 minutes ago, Tarani Tempest said:

BOM mode does not require alpha layers to hide the system body.   That head alpha will only be needed if you wanted to use APPLIER skins.

Thanks. But when I wear the Lelutka head, I do need to wear one of the alphas provider, otherwise it doesn't look right, so that's pretty confusing.

I thought that BOM was a layer that goes onto a mesh head/ body, the way systems layers back in the day went on the default avatar body; and that mesh heads/ bodies are mesh objects that go over the default avatar body, like mesh clothes but, well, body shaped, and that's why you need alphas, to hide what's underneath. So I've got it all wrong? Is there a handy guide somewhere, written for absolute idiots like me, that explains these thing in really really really simple terms?

(I do not know what an applier skin is.)

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Your head is red, that means you are in BOM mode and have an alpha layer on....so you need to remove it, you do not need it. 

BOM is a code that  allows the system layers that your system AV is wearing , to be reflected on any worn mesh that is in BOM mode.

System alpha layers make the system AV invisible, so they will do the same to your BOM mode mesh.  Mesh that has not been optimized for BOM, turn red instead of invisible.

Just like before mesh bodies, you wore a system skin and did not need to use any sort of alpha layer to hide anything.....it is the same now when wearing mesh bodies and heads in BOM mode.

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4 hours ago, hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian said:

Thanks. But when I wear the Lelutka head, I do need to wear one of the alphas provider, otherwise it doesn't look right, so that's pretty confusing.

I thought that BOM was a layer that goes onto a mesh head/ body, the way systems layers back in the day went on the default avatar body; and that mesh heads/ bodies are mesh objects that go over the default avatar body, like mesh clothes but, well, body shaped, and that's why you need alphas, to hide what's underneath. So I've got it all wrong? Is there a handy guide somewhere, written for absolute idiots like me, that explains these thing in really really really simple terms?

(I do not know what an applier skin is.)

An applier skin is when you attach a HUD to apply your skin.  If you are using a lelutka head WITH an alpha then you are using a skin applier on the head and don't have the BOM activated.

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On 12/21/2020 at 6:52 AM, hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian said:

Thanks. But when I wear the Lelutka head, I do need to wear one of the alphas provider, otherwise it doesn't look right, so that's pretty confusing.

I thought that BOM was a layer that goes onto a mesh head/ body, the way systems layers back in the day went on the default avatar body; and that mesh heads/ bodies are mesh objects that go over the default avatar body, like mesh clothes but, well, body shaped, and that's why you need alphas, to hide what's underneath. So I've got it all wrong? Is there a handy guide somewhere, written for absolute idiots like me, that explains these thing in really really really simple terms?

(I do not know what an applier skin is.)

You sort of have it. But, the way you say it is not what I would call 'precise'. See if this helps.

System layers affect ONLY the classic avatar. They are an "attribute" of the classic body. To reduce the number of textures in use Server Side Baking (SSB) was created. The idea is alpha, skin, tats, underwear, shirt, and jacket layers are sent to the SSB engine and returned as a single composite texture. In place of 6-textures on the Upper part of the body only ONE texture is used for the render. Prior to SSB all viewers had to download and bake all 6 textures into an upper body texture. Lots of viewer-side work. SSB was a big performance enhancement.

Bakes on Mesh (BoM) is a follow on to the SSB service. It allows designers to grab the composite texture baked for the classic avatar and use it on their mesh items, i.e., mesh body. So, BoM lets you see on a mesh body what has been put on the classic avatar. From a designer's viewpoint BOM allows them to put whatever is on the classic avatar on their mesh body.

Getting skin via BOM on a mesh body is a really convoluted legacy bound non-intuitive process. But BOM is a backward compatible addition built on top of the older SL system that works. Unfortunately those that joined SL in the Applier Era find BoM confusing. Those that joined per-Applier just realize they can go back to the easy way of doing things and BOM just makes things work magically with their mesh body.

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That makes sense. Thanks for taking the time to explain.

The only way I've ever worn a skin is by double clicking on it... I'm certainly not about to start with appliers (I imagine they are on their way out now?).

And as far as I can tell, BOM layers work just as well without a mesh body, so it's like being back in the old days, lol.


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1 hour ago, hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian said:

That makes sense. Thanks for taking the time to explain.

The only way I've ever worn a skin is by double clicking on it... I'm certainly not about to start with appliers (I imagine they are on their way out now?).

And as far as I can tell, BOM layers work just as well without a mesh body, so it's like being back in the old days, lol.


It is very much like the pre-Appliers days.

Appliers still have a use. Materials cannot be set on an avatar. So while I can put water drops on my classic avatar's skin I cannot make them shinny (specular map) nor 3D (normal map) because there is no way to add those maps (textures) to a classic/system avatar. Thus the only way to get the spec and norm maps added to a mesh body is to use an applier.

Many of us prefer applier makeup for our mesh heads. The materials settings in the HUDs give us control not possible with just system layers. So, appliers still have their uses.

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1 hour ago, hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian said:

That makes sense. Thanks for taking the time to explain.

The only way I've ever worn a skin is by double clicking on it... I'm certainly not about to start with appliers (I imagine they are on their way out now?).

And as far as I can tell, BOM layers work just as well without a mesh body, so it's like being back in the old days, lol.


I tend to like BOM for eyeshadow as it keeps hair from glitching it.  Lipstick I prefer applier so I can adjust intensity.  

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