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problem with llAttachToAvatarTemp function

Xander Lopez

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I have a script that triggers llAttachToAvatarTemp to attach a prim to an avatar. And this is done thru Second Life Experience system.

The weird thing is that these prims via llAttachToAvatarTemp do not inherit the group the avatar is currently wearing.  Altho I was wearing my group tag, the prim attached to my avatar was still set to no group.

Normally this was no problem with any attachment that i would wear from my inventory.The attachment would be set to the group the attachment owner is currently wearing and there has been no issue.

Now that this llAttachToAvatarTemp is not allowing the attachment to set to the group the owner is wearing, I am running into some problems.

How can i make sure that this prim attached via llAttachToAvatarTemp set to the group owner is wearing?  I can't yell at our visitors to "reactivate your group"


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8 hours ago, Xander Lopez said:

Now that this llAttachToAvatarTemp is not allowing the attachment to set to the group the owner is wearing, I am running into some problems.

Which problems? If it's about what the attachment can rez, and if you can modify everything about those attachments, you could maybe have the thing that rezzes the attachments also serve to rez on command the things the attachments would ordinarily rez themselves, and have them llSetRegionPos() to where they're really intended... and if they were to be rezzed with physics, an extra step setting them physical and moving as intended. That's all assuming the attachment rezzer can be in the group you'd want for the attachments.

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