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Hello there, can some one tell me. If i create some stuff, give that stuff to my ex bf, but forget to turn off all rights on that stuff. After a while, i saw my product on marcetplace. That "ex" selling it with price lower than my. I asking him to remove it but, he dint do that. Is there any options to remove that stuff from MP?

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:D   Well most of us have Ex boyfriends.  There is a reason most time that they have that "Ex" designation.  The fact is you blew it. Lessons learned. You gave him (or anyone else) those rights when you messed up the permissions. Now and then the database has preformed that function for us -- but not in this case. So no, you have no options. Linden Lab will not get in the middle of this. 


What other designers have done in the past in similar situations -- and what I would do if is was me, is to make those items FREE for everyone -- thus negating profits for the ex.  Then move on and make more great stuff and DON'T give it to anyone.   


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