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I would love to work as a waitress,  personal assistant, or hostess. I've been on Second Life since 4/21/2020. I love interacting with a variety of people and this would be my first job on Second Life. Flexible schedule, able to work evenings and nights.

Edited by Minerxa
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Spyke's Voodoo Lounge is now hiring reliable DJs/ Hosts/ Dancers!! We are a new club and looking to build up our staff for the new year! 

DJs:  We accept all various styles of music! Female and Male! ( No underage, please. ) 

Hosts: We accept all various types of avatars, except underage. Female and Male!

Dancers: We accept all various types of avatars, except underage.  Female and Male! 

We are an adult club where anything goes!  Please keep this in mind when applying with us! 

We are partnered with Voodoo Customs Guitars, SL's place for guitars in both SL and RL! We also host live concerts of various artists! 

Please send an IM to lilmisspandora in game or gemfyre.starlight!! We hope to hear from you soon about joining our growing family! 


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