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A New Way To Market Mesh Clothing -- Do you LIKE IT?

Chic Aeon

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I have been getting a lot of demos and buying a fair amount of clothing lately thanks to that 52 Weeks of Color challenge but I have never seen this way of packaging mesh clothing until just now. This is a gift over at Tres Chic. I thought it very odd that there weren't a lot of body choices when I unpacked. Then I thought well maybe it was "old fitmesh". 


NOPE. You wear the ONE SIZE garment and then the item changes via hud.  42275 as shown (I have boots on too). 28706 without outfit and you are wearing  ALL the sizes.  This particular item comes with LOTS of mesh body choices but if you only had three or four that would cut the complexity down.    I tested some other tops and short sets and most were lower than the 42275 but it certainly cuts down .


The sizing stays from wearing to wearing  it seems. 

Edited by Chic Aeon
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