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Is it just me?

Bem Beyaz

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I won't bore you with the entire routine but in a case of llGiveInventoryList my attachment issues an "@notify" command according to the RLV spec like so …

llOwnerSay("@notify:" + (string)giCaptive + ";inv_offer=add");
llGiveInventoryList(gkCaptive, "#RLV/" + gsFolder, glGift);

… and dutifully listens to hear how the gift has been received.

My test alt — let's call him "Brad" — takes delivery and by way of a "debug" my attachment's listen script gets far enough along to pump out the llOwnerSay at the top of this block in the "giCaptive" channel of the listen event …

llOwnerSay("Listening for " + llKey2Name(gkCaptive) + "'s reaction …");
list reception = llParseString2List(message, [" "], []);
string selection = llList2String(reception, 0);
if ("/accepted_in_rlv" == selection)
	llOwnerSay("Got it in #RLV");
// the other two tests …

… I also see the "/notify:123456789;inv_offer" notification appear on my console where 123456789 is actually the giCaptive channel listening for signs of life on Brad (I have tested to make sure of the actual channel number). Both the notification and the listen are eventually removed with a timeout which has been tested from 5 seconds to a full two minutes (I know, I know, even Second Life's too short).

There is no mention of any of this on Brad's console although the item is delivered immediately to the "#RLV" folder if the "Accept" button is clicked — and neither is there any mention if Brad has forbidden "Give to #RLV" or if he has ungratefully clicked "Discard" in either of the following tests. However, when the routine has timed out he gets an IM to say that he has taken too long about it.

So is it just me or shouldn't Brad be talking back by now?

NB: The client in both cases is the latest Firestorm release ( with RLVa enabled of course and Brad is sporting the DEM Relay HUD (200f).

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Well, whaddya, whaddya!? It is just me!

Being so used to the formality of "OwnerSay" commands in RLV, I completely ignored the fundamental purpose of the function which is to send chat to the owner. So of course old Brad will never hear those commands while I'm stood there, talking to myself.

Instead I should use the llRegionSayTo() function and issue the inventory query to his relay along with an additional command on the relay channel. Unfortunately the RLV spec is befuddlingly befuddling as to how this is done — fortunately the estimable Innula Zenovka provides us with a working example in this post.

Edited by Bem Beyaz
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