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First time land buyer is help.


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Hello, like my title mentioned, i am a first time land buyer. I need help to get myself started with the whole process. Any help and guidance will be deeply appreciated. Being new, i looking for a somewhat seasonably priced with a sea or lake view. I will be used for my own accommodation initially and i am open to sell or rent when the price is right.

Please help


Edited by Earthwatervirgo
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1 hour ago, Earthwatervirgo said:

i just looking for a somewhat seasonably priced with a sea or lake view.

you can have a look at the for rent and for sale sections in the forum or
fly over the map and look for yellow parcels at mainland (those are for sale..but have to be premium)
or contact one, or more of the people who post rentals in the for rent sections

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2 hours ago, Earthwatervirgo said:

Hello, like my title mentioned, i am a first time land buyer. I need help to get myself started with the whole process. Any help and guidance will be deeply appreciated. Being new, i looking for a somewhat seasonably priced with a sea or lake view. I will be used for my own accommodation initially and i am open to sell or rent when the price is right.

Please help


Are you a Premium user? If the answer is "no", you can not buy Mainland. It is still possible to rent or buy private land. Be aware that when you buy private land, you are in reality renting. You get landholder rights, but the private estate owner is still the owner.

It is impossible to know what you mean is a right price. Prices are totally unregulated in SL. You can rent a house that comes with 300 prims you can decorate with, for as little as 150 L a week. Or you can buy a Mainland parcel by the Blake sea for 100 000 L. (400 dollars)

So it is complicated. I would recommend you to take a "Land management " class, they are scheduled to Monday. Especially if you are interested in spending a lot of money.


If you don't have time to wait, you can always go to the NCI cafe and ask if someone can talk with you now. http://www.nci-sl.info/blog/


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Hello Bonnie,

I did contact you in world with more information. I did also provide you with a selection of Landmarks for islands that you can visit to take a look. You can IM me in world when you would like more information or look at more options to have your own place in Second Life for your home.


Speak to you soon Bonnie

Count Burks

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