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Cheap hotels


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Strawberry Linden has been writing up luxury hotels in Second Life. Here is something less expensive.


On Route 8 in Satori. Motel, gas station, burger stand. 45 minutes of free parking and a rez zone. The gas station gives out free maps of Satori.



Clean rooms. The bed has a full sex roleplay sequence, The TV doesn't work, but the microwave does.



Massage, L$1. Makes a buzzing noise for one minute. It's worth it for the authenticity. This place is tacky in extreme detail.



Motel office

There's a little town main street behind the motel, with a hotel, liquor store, pawn shop, barber, and tattoo parlor. They're all highly detailed, and many items work. The barber shop has a hair vendor, and the tattoo shop has a tattoo vendor. There's a fallout shelter under the tattoo shop and a rock band practices down there.

It's a very well executed bit of mid 20th century roadside America.

There are other cheap hotels on Route 8. Diners, truck stops, gas stations, GTFO hubs, and a drive in theater (sadly, the screen doesn't do anything) are nearby.

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Hello, these all look interesting and definite;y worth a visit.  The posts Strawberry links to are from my site, I run a hotel and resorts review site, which I am pretty sure is the only one in Second Life (https://virtualhotels.online/).  But, I am not only interested in five star places, but also other places, including camp sites.  The only real criteria is they have to have a general look and feel of their RL equivalents

I'll definitely check this one out!

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I love the cheap roadside motels found along Mainland routes while testing prototypes. Maybe I'll take the scenic route this year and ride to Mardi Gras instead of flying.  Better photo ops & no TSA hassles.  There's a gleaming long forked bagger in the garage with fresh oil & rubber.

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@Ares Lemon  I'm enjoying your great hotel review blog.  Very creative and inspiring!  You have reminded me how much fun we've had on our virtual vacations in SL.  These would be great places to set up Passport Stamps.  Many Bellisserians have been collecting them and we had great fun at the Vegas In the Sky Sands Resort.  The wait in line to check in was so atrociously long (😉) other visitors got in line behind us!   We complained to the Owners and sent them these pictures they apologized and offered us a free weekend as compensation for the delay!  😄  @Boo Rojyo, @Jezebel Bailey and Sun (Dark Sunflower) operate the BBB (Bellisserian Bureau of Bureaucracy) where free Passport Stamp Machine Applications can be obtained to encourage Passport holders to visit notable locations all around the SL grid.  Here's the SLurl for the BBB ~~Bellisserian Bureau of Bureaucracy2~~



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“Low Cost Luxury Living at Ontario Park Rental”

Discovered this hotel while driving around northern Sansara. The build is mostly old-fashioned primitives, but I thought it looked nice especially inside. At only L$20 per week with a 5 prim allowance I thought it was perfect for mainlanders who like to live frugally and just need a room to sleep, change, watch Amazon Prime, and unpack boxes. What I liked about it was that it was along the main road with a lovely little park in front, and there are boat slips nearby. There is also a L$1 love motel next to it with full bento beds if you wanted something really cheap, or just an almost-free place to “conduct business” if you are a “young and fresh model touring the mainland” :grins:



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