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I made an RP coin system called Dragon Coin. Small RP themed (medieval-themed) little gamble games for taverns and RP sims that do not have RP coin on their HUD and would like to have that ability without having to do much. The coins are free, and the HUD includes 20. I have a weekly stipend system that rewards HUD users with 25 free coins a week, their balance is kept on a database, and this is a small temp attach HUD that allows the user to add or subtract from their balance anywhere on the grid that my coin system and games is offered this way the HUD dose did not have to be stored. The Dragon Coins can be traded for gifts from a vending system I plan to sell with the games in hopes it can help attract traffic and enhance RP as many RP sims have RP gaming taverns. And people can trade  Dragon Coins with each other.
A friend of mine insists if I sell this, I'm breaking TOSS. There no cost for the coins, their not a real form of currency with 0 value accepts in gifts, so I can not see how I could be breaking the TOSS for gambling rules. I made a website with all the information and the games www.slriotassassin.com Please help me out here and let me know if I'm breaking TOSS by selling this?

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2 hours ago, noobbot22 said:

A friend of mine insists if I sell this, I'm breaking TOSS. There no cost for the coins, their not a real form of currency with 0 value accepts in gifts, so I can not see how I could be breaking the TOSS for gambling rules. I made a website with all the information and the games www.slriotassassin.com Please help me out here and let me know if I'm breaking TOSS by selling this?

At first glance and off the top of my head, you aren't breaking the TOS (which stands for Terms Of Service, without additional S) but the Lindens are the real experts on this, which is the best way to have absolute certainty about the legality of your system.
Which part of the TOS are you supposed be breaking, according to your friend? Or is (s)he just using the vague and generic argument that "it is against TOS"?

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It was the mention of "gambling games" that caught my attention. 

There are other role play systems which have an internal currency that can be earned by role play related tasks or selling of role play related goods, and can be spent on role play related goods, which have been around for a long time, so apparently are not against the TOS.  I'm thinking of G&S farming and crafting, in particular.  I don't think there is any explicit gambling as an official part of G&S though. 

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To be "gambling", the following conditions must be present:

  • Players pay something of value (if it's free to play, it's not gambling)
  • Winning is determined entirely or primarily by chance, and
  • Winners receive something of value (prizes, money, $L, tokens that can be traded for...well, just about anything except more of the same tokens)
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/21/2020 at 2:50 PM, Lindal Kidd said:

To be "gambling", the following conditions must be present:

  • Players pay something of value (if it's free to play, it's not gambling)
  • Winning is determined entirely or primarily by chance, and
  • Winners receive something of value (prizes, money, $L, tokens that can be traded for...well, just about anything except more of the same tokens)

Allright then, any Gacha on SL is gambling :

The first two points are obvious.

The last one, well, just go on the marketplace, search for "gacha" and see how valuable can the prizes be.

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45 minutes ago, Brute Boxen said:

Allright then, any Gacha on SL is gambling :

The first two points are obvious.

The last one, well, just go on the marketplace, search for "gacha" and see how valuable can the prizes be.

Just like buying a gum ball, gachas are not gambling.

You might not get the color of gum ball you wanted for your quarter & might be inclined to continue paying for additional random gum balls.  Or not.  But barring a glitch, you receive a prize every time.  Same with gachas.

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1 hour ago, Brute Boxen said:

Hi, I don't get the reference to Belgium or Luxembourg. I'm only taking SL wagering policy as the rule here.

If gacha prizes shouldn't be of any value, then why are they for sale everywhere on Linden's own marketplace ?

Honest question here...

Gambling is paying money in hopes of getting something in return with no guarantee.   Gatchas are not gambling because you DO receive something.  Totally different.  Basically, you always win.

Edited by RowanMinx
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Thank you all. I did contact Linden Labs, and all is good as long as the "Dragon Coin" has 0 linden value; anything I like to trade them for is legal as well. The Gacha gifts are rewarded on a non-L$ base making it all legit to trade coin for as there is no base value of an Object shared between accounts. I thank you all for your advice, and have a great new year!

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