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The nightmare of the White Knight.

Ted McGregor

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Look, guys, here's my 2 cents.

If ya don't like a person then block them. If you don't, and keep arguing, you're just as guilty.  You want your enemy, you enjoy the arguing. So stop complaining and making it a them thing cause it's a you thing.

Edited by Moondira
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I don't reply to a lot of threads, and I don't put together my thoughts very quickly, so sometimes in those really "hot" threads, by the time I get my reply finished, 8 people have already posted new replies. 

When I do post, though, it's not because I see everyone else posting and want to post the same type of things, but it's because something in the thread has affected me enough that I want to write my thoughts about it.  It sometimes happens that my thoughts agree with the majority of posters, but it's not because I want to gang up on somebody or reinforce a "hive-mind", and sometimes my thoughts are a minority view (like in several of the EEP  threads).   

I think that even in defending someone, it should be based on some actual factual (or at least as factual as you can get in an online forum where no one actually knows anyone else) basis, rather than on perceived issues that someone "thinks" is the reason everyone is "ganging up" on someone else.

I don't believe in continuing to argue back and forth with someone or someone(s) for pages.  I don't believe in calling others names or in applying label to others, especially when they are derogatory. It's not my personality to do things like that.   

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19 minutes ago, TDD123 said:

Are you claiming Luna always took residence in the previous peeves threads and started off conversations from being peeved about something turning it into being peeved about someone turning into being peeved about a certain forumite ?

ETA : I certainly seen YOU do it.

Most humans are going to do this or that bad behavior occasionally. Because human. No one saying that we’re all saintly?  It’s when they do it consistently, sock puppet consistently, and do it more than one person consistently and over time in thread after thread and continue to do it. That’s the difference. That’s not a fluke or occasional bad behavior, or having a bad day, or getting an a little tiff with one person here and there. Things we all do, but things that almost no one here does on a regular basis… But a couple of people do. If you can’t or won’t see that then I really don’t know what else I can say. I’ve tried to remain pleasant and give thought to this discourse, but I’m losing confidence in any effectiveness that I might continue to have here so there’s really no point in me replying further. The people that you’re giving the steadfast support to really don’t merit it. 

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2 hours ago, TDD123 said:

Let me give you an example.

  1. I am NOT a friend of Luna.
  2. I do not have her on my inworld friendslist nor ever met her inworld.
  3. I only share a certain stance with her and expressed it in this forum.

I am ACCUSED of being the White Knight enabler.

See how it goes ?

Let me give you an example back.

1.  I am NOT a friend of anyone in these forums.
2.  I have only one one person from these boards on my friends list and have met them inworld...and it is NOT someone who is involved with this whole hullabaloo.
3.  I share many stances with many people here and express it in this forum.

I am ACCUSED of being a bullying abuser who "gangs up" on a certain person who deserves a kick up the butt for what they say or do as it is either highly offensive or against forum "rules".

See how it also works in reverse?


Edited by Jordan Whitt
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I see many positive attributes from you and others in the forums. I may not always agree with what is said or how others act, but who does all the time?

I know I've not been involved in these particular discussions. I purposefully avoided them for very obvious reasons. For what it"s worth though and most likely very little here, my view on things...🙂

Take care everyone.


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3 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Dagnabbit people, some of us trying to properly derail this trainwrech.



You know I can't resist a good train wreck!

Now, to stay completely ON topic, I thought this was quite an interesting read about white knighting.

The tarnished white knight is somewhat like a narcissist by nature. He loves the feeling of being loved and needed, and he actually feels potent and powerful when he receives affection. Such persons usually choose partners who come with a lot of baggage. They thrive for drama, and usually get involved with people who they know will cause lots of disparity in the relationship, in the future. They are the ones who most likely end up cheating on their partner, so that they feel important in the relationship. They are low on self-confidence due to some incident that has transpired in their past, and hence, try to put the blame on others for all their shortcomings

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Alrighty,  I don't have all that many spoons so there's going to typos. sorry about that.

But before I go on this dumb idea, I wanna get some thins clear.

  1. I am not part of some anti-person club.
  2. I barely know folks here let alone join in any plotting against whoever is viewed as evil
  3. all my  opinions are my own,  nobody is pushing anything onto me.

That outtta the way.

I have had repeat problems with a few spepefic members, anyone looking at my tiny post count can see who they are.  Yet notice sometimes I agree with them!  Gosh, almost like there's nuance and  it's not exactly a pile on but on an ongoing thing? It's actually a rather big issue with the fourms on a whole.

I as someone who is  trans,  disabled and Bi,  don't always feel comfortable posting here because of it. It's a  grouping up against someone but it's not what you're thinking it is. It's usually against anyone who actually  points  out that someone is acting in a way that is  hurtful to a marglinised  group or people. It's people  butting into threads and mocking folks that are seeking people that share similar backgrounds  or likes another because those backgrounds happen to be a minority.

and yes, it's often a  particular someone who speaks so much  about how much they stand up against bullies and speak for the oppressed. Who'll then turn around and not just ignore whatever the person is saying but  basically  becomes a bully themselves  in trying to defend "the poor sweet person" who is being called out for their behavior.

then wonders why nobody wants to really listen or engage anymore..

Quite frankly I'm tired  of it, for people who are in the older ages, some of you all sure as hells don't act  like it.


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15 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Dagnabbit people, some of us trying to properly derail this trainwrech.



Don't you mean, "DeTAIL"?

In totally unrelated good news:

  • 300 kidnapped Nigerian students have been returned.
  • The owl in the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree has been safely restored to the wild
  • Many shelter dogs have been adopted by new owners
  • The makers of the much anticipated and then much hated Cyberpunk 2077 game have agreed to provide refunds

As for the rest of all y'all...Wow. Really?

(I see you over there wagging your eyebrows, Orwar.  Pretty sexy if you ask me.)

Edited by Lindal Kidd
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So let's not assume everybody reads the "Firestorm" threads.

Then, let's say some people have other people on ignore. For the sake if argument, or for the sake of avoiding it.

So I'm not that clear who the White Knight is, or even what this is about. Please don't explain. It doesn't matter, but my point is that not everybody is immersed in whatever this is about.

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ok, I'll bite.  I think that our own particular white knight (and not some hypothetical personality label) just likes the attention.  I think that this thread is therefore self defeating as whatever is said here will only be providing that craved attention.  But it's Friday afternoon here on the east coast of the US of A and so this thread will probably last a couple of days before someone drags a moderator back to work to kill it.

I don't have a personal problem with the white knight because she made it to my ignore list long ago.  My only gripe is when people feel compelled to quote her.

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4 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

ok, I'll bite.  I think that our own particular white knight (and not some hypothetical personality label) just likes the attention.  I think that this thread is therefore self defeating as whatever is said here will only be providing that craved attention.  But it's Friday afternoon here on the east coast of the US of A and so this thread will probably last a couple of days before someone drags a moderator back to work to kill it.

I don't have a personal problem with the white knight because she made it to my ignore list long ago.  My only gripe is when people feel compelled to quote her.

I think we've actually progressed to white knighting of the white knight.  It's all rather sad for whatever reason since 2 wrongs have never made a right.


Edited by RowanMinx
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3 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

My only gripe is when people feel compelled to quote her.


20 minutes ago, kali Wylder said:

didn't you mean poster, not toaster?



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17 minutes ago, TDD123 said:

No. But I'm sure you' ll be one of those I'll see contributing to what I am trying to point out.

And I honestly have no beef with you.

Actually I don't have much to contribute, so will be just making my point here and letting this go because you, like said white knight, do not appear to want to listen or see things from the other side.

1.  I have been berated, belittled and shouted down by "white knight" in MANY threads, not just relating to the gender swapping former escort.  For example, she came after me when I said a certain "movement" going on in the States shouldn't have been the main concern of the country and a certain "virus" should have been - which I find totally ironic now as she is all over threads about that virus!  In fact, I have taken breaks from these boards for a few days or weeks over the way this person treats me for having a thought or opinion that differs from theirs.  

2.  I have been told by said white knight I have issues, do not love myself or my life, and am a prude and an abuser because I hold an opinion and belief that if you act like a moron in public, you deserve to be called out for it.  When challenged to explain exactly how anything I have said is abusive or how my life obviously sucks and I hate myself I got crickets in response.

3.  As @Fauve Aeon eloquently pointed out...

1 hour ago, Fauve Aeon said:

I’ve completely agreed with several people who have also agreed with others in calling someone out on what is well-documented bad behavior - often admitted by the person committing the behavior even...and none of it was orchestrated, none of it was premeditated, but we all came to the same independent conclusion. That’s a general social behavior and not a form of bullying. When someone’s behavior affects others, they have the right to say some thing about it. If the behavior affects a bunch of people then there’s going to be a bunch of people having something to say about it. Still not bullying. So white knighting is uncalled for in these cases.

A true friend calls you out on your BS and will still love you.  A true friend doesn't excuse, ignore or encourage you to continue in behaviours or things are offensive or hurting others.  A true friend doesn't blindly ride to the rescue and white knight when the friend is the one in the wrong.

I'll close off here because like you said, we have no beef and I do not want to start one.  

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37 minutes ago, TDD123 said:

No. But I'm sure you' ll be one of those I'll see contributing to what I am trying to point out.


6 minutes ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

This rubs me the wrong way.
It feels.. hrm, hard to describe for me. Like you feel above the rest of us and need to teach us lessons somehow.

Now looking back at it, that first quote can be taken as I was not allowed to have an opinion on something that has affected me on these forum boards, as the white knight in question frequently mounts her stead and charges at me full of her pseudo-psycho babble and belittling words.

Unfortunately I am full of opinions....some I actually think better of sharing.

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  • Administrators

Going to go ahead and close this thread. Please remember, if you have an issue with another person on the forums, do not air that out in threads. This only causes disruption for those who wish to use the forums for legitimate reasons. Please either keep these issues to yourselves, or use the handy dandy ignore button.



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