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End of Adobe Flash is near - effects SL tv sets and media players which require Flash?

Doc Carling

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Firefox and other browsers and also Adobe itself are going to stop to support the Flash technology, for example the Flash Player, latest end of January 2021. There will be no new versions or security updates anymore. Flash is required for many tv sets and media players in Second Life. The question is, if Linden Lab will continue to allow the Flash Plugin. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/end-support-adobe-flash

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It's not only an issue for the brands. All residents which use currently devices with flash could trash them, when Linden bans flash plugins. And what about the Skill game industry in SL. I'm not sure, but aren't many gambling machines running with flash?

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MS is also going to be stripping flash from systems via updates that are coming. It is not up to LL to 'support' flash as it has reached end of life. The creators of products who rely on flash must update them . This has been coming for some time, it's not something that has been sprung on people over night.  

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I repeat, what I earlier have in written LSL scripting on the topic. People have had 4 years to prepare for this... I would expect the high end games sims etc, already have transformed coding to be for example HTML5 based years ago.

Some background...

Less than 5% of videos/media on the web today use Flash. Adobe announced its retirement in 2017: "In collaboration with several of our technology partners - including Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Mozilla, Adobe is planning to end-of-life Flash. Specifically, we will stop updating and distributing the Flash Player at the end of 2020 and encourage content creators to migrate any existing Flash content to these new open formats."

Adobe released Flash in 1996 and what looked liked an good idea to support media/games/multi-media presentations easy on the web  as used on personal computers, quickly turned into the stuff nightmares are made of for network security administrators, professional programmers and media content creators. It was basically a flawed and insecure technology from start. Beside being insecure, it did not support power consumption, mobile devices, touch GUI or open standards.

As Wired commented: "No one should shed a tear for Flash's coming disappearance. The web will be safer, faster, smoother without it."

If someone in Second Life in year 2020 still have Flash videos, it is about time to update those to HTML-5/MPEG-4 or simply ditch those old typical 320x256 sized pixelated low FPS bad quality videos!


Edited by Rachel1206
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been out of SL for a time. I have many TVs and cinema screens like VEA and the rest. I cant see how they can work, pretty sure all the menu buttons need flash to operate them. I do stream my customers films and adult content from streamhoster but they are in a known format. But to be able to use the screen, flash needs to be enabled for the menu still as far as Im aware.?

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56 minutes ago, Michaelatv Destiny said:

I have been out of SL for a time. I have many TVs and cinema screens like VEA and the rest. I cant see how they can work, pretty sure all the menu buttons need flash to operate them. I do stream my customers films and adult content from streamhoster but they are in a known format. But to be able to use the screen, flash needs to be enabled for the menu still as far as Im aware.?

it's going not going to work,  it's dead,  that fact is proven with ms pushing updates to remove it and disallow it.   I'm so some quirky people will get it working again, but that's not up to you to support, you need to move on html5 players.

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On 1/5/2021 at 6:37 AM, Michaelatv Destiny said:

I have been out of SL for a time. I have many TVs and cinema screens like VEA and the rest. I cant see how they can work, pretty sure all the menu buttons need flash to operate them. I do stream my customers films and adult content from streamhoster but they are in a known format. But to be able to use the screen, flash needs to be enabled for the menu still as far as Im aware.?

VEA works

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