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I am planning to buy the legacy mesh body male (athletic) version, what are some good mesh heads for it?


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I really like the legacy mesh body, and decided I would like to buy it, but my concern at the moment is the mesh head, which mesh heads support legacy? Catwa would be a good option?

Also i was really thinking to buy the [GA.EG] Evan 2.2 head for it, I just don't know if it would be a good fit, anybody else has experience with it?

Currently I have the (NIRAMYTH) - AESTHETIC - ENZO I like it, worked really hard to make it unique, but iI'm getting fed up with the fact that every second or third avatar looks like me body wise, the head is unique, it's just a face applier from birth

Any help would be appreciated, thank you

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10 minutes ago, TeeCay said:

I really like the legacy mesh body, and decided I would like to buy it, but my concern at the moment is the mesh head, which mesh heads support legacy? Catwa would be a good option?

Also i was really thinking to buy the [GA.EG] Evan 2.2 head for it, I just don't know if it would be a good fit, anybody else has experience with it?

Currently I have the (NIRAMYTH) - AESTHETIC - ENZO I like it, worked really hard to make it unique, but iI'm getting fed up with the fact that every second or third avatar looks like me body wise, the head is unique, it's just a face applier from birth

Any help would be appreciated, thank you

get demos, and look for the one yóu like.

(90% of the older users wouldn't reccomend that body either... but you like it, so go for it)

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I had that body with a Lelutka head & loved it .. still do.  However,  I kept reading how Legacy bodies can cause a lot of lag, and I was experiences a LOT of lag, so I changed to Gianni (same Lelutka head) & my lag issues have practically disappeared.   You might want to consider that ... just sayin' 

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46 minutes ago, Horus Salubrius said:

I had that body with a Lelutka head & loved it .. still do.  However,  I kept reading how Legacy bodies can cause a lot of lag, and I was experiences a LOT of lag, so I changed to Gianni (same Lelutka head) & my lag issues have practically disappeared.   You might want to consider that ... just sayin' 

While legacy bodies are among most heavy ones on the market (belleza ones are as bad, so is that new kupra body), that alone shouldn't make a difference in performance for any machine that is not a toaster. Difference between legacy and more optimized bodies is around 200-300k triangles. It is a lot by gaming indrustry standards, but a drop in the ocean in SL. An average "fashionista" avatar you might see around is probably at least 1m triangles, given that some styled hair can be over 500k alone, lots of clothing are 100k each, and there's some jewelry, accessories and so on.

I'm not saying legacy is a good body, they got tons of problems, quirks and a long history with quite bad reputation. So there are a lot of reasons to not buy it, however the myths about "the lag" is not the one.



As already mentioned Lelutka got the best fit with legacy bodies. There''s a free Lelutka gift now available, so it might be a good idea to grab the demos for the bodies you like, that free head and test how you like it.

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What @steeljane42said about the head. The Lelutka Evo heads is really popular now, and it is a lot of new skins made for them. And for free, what can go wrong.

I have not seen many clothes for Legacy Athlethic yet. You should demo the regular Legacy male and try to muscle him up also. Take a look in the stores you like, and see if they support the Athletic version or just male meshbody.

Signature Gianni is included in almost every pack of clothes you buy.

GA.EG would I not buy, unless I found a skin for it first. It can be difficult to shop for it, I do not see skins for them around. If you really like the head as it comes, see if they have body appliers.

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I was just looking at heads today and bought the CATWA HDPRO MajerSoft..

I was just looking at the video on thier website..

All the options that come with it are really nice additions..I can't wait to dive into the additional sliders and see how well they work..

here is a video on thier pro heads, which I only seen two there so far.. The MajerSoft and the other which was called MajerEdged I believe..


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

This is and old post but I bumped on it when I wanted to inform about new body. I hope you have bought Legacy cause I have recently bought Signature Gianni and that body is *****. Ugly nails, feet, hands, knees, unnatural body. I can't believe that someone would recommend Gianni body. TMP looks much better, and with new system on Legacy I wouldn't look anywhere else.

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