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What considers a high tier second life account?

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6 minutes ago, FreshPrince Oskar said:

Just curious what difference there is from a old account who's been playing awhile, to a brand new one. There's literally no level, so what is considered a top tier SL account? 

And this

Premium accounts created or upgraded from basic:

On or after November 1, 2006 receive L$300 per week.

Between July 21, 2006 and November 1, 2006 receive L$400 per week.

Before July 21, 2006 receive L$500 per week.

Certain old basic accounts get a stipend; basic accounts created

Before May 29, 2006 receive a stipend of L$50 per week, if they log in that week.

After May 29, 2006 do not receive a weekly stipend.

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There’s no official or even agreed-upon criteria. But plenty of opinions about it. 😜

Have you ever been on a forum or in a group where the oldbies know all the lore, were there ‘back in the day’, know all the lingo, Easter eggs, codes, cheats etc? Sort of like that sometimes. Some will tell you there’s no difference though and that can be very true too if you don’t really care about all of the above. Some of the oldbies aren’t very good at the newest stuff too. But many are. Some will say a top tier player has the ‘best’ avatar...according to a variety of criteria. Some will say old accounts have one of the old last names, not ‘Resident’ or a purchased one. Some don’t care at all whether you are old or new. It just depends on who you ask. 

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Lifetime accounts were a special account type that were available from the close of beta until December 22, 2003. A user could buy a lifetime account for $159.95 (later raised to $225) and would be able to enjoy Second Life without paying any monthly fees. When 1.2 came about and brought with it land tiers, lifetime accounts were dropped. However those who purchased a lifetime account were allowed to continue on and were given 4096 sqm of "free land" allocation as well as a L$500 weekly stipend. Lifetime accounts can buy up to 4096 sqm without having to pay Linden Lab fees on that land, but once they go over that allotment they enter into a new tier and then must pay the fees.

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But are many of those people still active? Are they considered ‘top tier’ players/residents of today since all of those adjustments and perks happened that long ago? I rarely see many people from 2006 or before in the world anymore. Some forumites, probably? 

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I have a couple friends from 2005 that are still quite active in SL.  Not long ago, I ran into a man who had charter member where it usually say payment info on file.  He was all up.to.date mesh, too.  He said he still logs in, still finds SL fun.

Charter member was someone who paid the life time membership fee when it was a thing.

Edited by RowanMinx
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A top tier account is a person who knows how to do everything in SL, currently. A plain old...old account... just doesn't cut it. You're just a noob again if you don't know how SL works, currently. But, brand new people aren't bad at all. It's like meeting a person from another country.

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12 hours ago, Fauve Aeon said:

But are many of those people still active? Are they considered ‘top tier’ players/residents of today since all of those adjustments and perks happened that long ago? I rarely see many people from 2006 or before in the world anymore. Some forumites, probably? 

You aren't looking hard enough. 

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10 hours ago, Bree Giffen said:

A top tier account is a person who knows how to do everything in SL, currently. A plain old...old account... just doesn't cut it. You're just a noob again if you don't know how SL works, currently. But, brand new people aren't bad at all. It's like meeting a person from another countr

This is all true.  However, since the OP never stipulated whether they meant knowledge-wise or actual status, I picked status as it's really the only way to assess without knowing the person.  There is no "leveling up" like most games.  In a room full of 1000 avatars, age of account would be the only way to tell.

It would be interesting to know what percentage of current residents are originals.

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19 minutes ago, RowanMinx said:

This is all true.  However, since the OP never stipulated whether they meant knowledge-wise or actual status, I picked status as it's really the only way to assess without knowing the person.  There is no "leveling up" like most games.  In a room full of 1000 avatars, age of account would be the only way to tell.

It would be interesting to know what percentage of current residents are originals.

Not really because alts.

By original do you mean those who were here prior to 2003 when SL was opened to the public? There are some of those still around. Not many as there weren't many to begin with. @Cristiano Midnight is one that's been around since 2003, I believe, if not before. *waves at Cris*

Edited by Silent Mistwalker
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45 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Not really because alts.

By original do you mean those who were here prior to 2003 when SL was opened to the public? There are some of those still around. Not many as there weren't many to begin with. @Cristiano Midnight is one that's been around since 2003, I believe, if not before. *waves at Cris*

yeah, I kind of meant when you see a profile from 2003 or so, THAT specific avatar is old.  Now they may never use that avatar anymore and have an alt with a more current date but just looking around at profiles or avatars for that matter, the only 'level' that is apparent is age of avatar.  Anything else, you'd have to find out by talking to them.  A lot of those old ones I call permanoobs.  They haven't updated anything, might have a totally blank profile and talking to them may show they have no clue about anything in SL. 

I guess what I'm saying is, there is really no way to assign 'levels' to avatars in general aside from what I've posted at the beginning.  It's not as if you level up once you learn this or that.  Can't level up until you can build or script.  It would be on an avatar by avatar basis.

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I was just in shopping for hair and came across this person.  Not so much up to date but they did say in their profile that they didn't log in as much.  I'd also love to how how many original accounts were actually created.  In the first couple of years.  Is there any information on this anywhere?


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16 hours ago, FreshPrince Oskar said:

so what is considered a top tier SL account? 

Anyone above 10,000m above ground is pretty high on the tier level, I think


Ok, for real-

I honestly don't think there is such a thing, or at least, I don't personally think of people, avs, accounts, in that way. Older doesn't mean top tier to me, and newer doesn't mean lower tier, it never has. Some people seem to value people, or accounts based on what they know, especially about certain topics. Take shopping and fashion for example, which are topics I have little to no interest in, but other seem to believe they (or others) are the most knowledgeable in the world on....That sounds judgey, but it's really not, I just have different taste, different desires, a different picture of what is fun, entertaining, enlightening, informative, whatever, about sl. The same would go with any other topic one could think of... photography, sim hopping, clubs, dj-ing, freebie hunting, building, scripting, etc.... I suppose.

That was way more information than you were looking for, I bet. 


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16 hours ago, Fauve Aeon said:

But are many of those people still active? Are they considered ‘top tier’ players/residents of today since all of those adjustments and perks happened that long ago? I rarely see many people from 2006 or before in the world anymore. Some forumites, probably? 

I have 2 accounts who receive the 500L per week stipend. I'm in the habit of checking who is around me when I attend events or go dancing and such (I like reading profiles). It is rare that I see anyone older than me out socialising in world. My friends list includes a lot of older players and only a couple log on now. But I know there are quite a few on the forums who pre-date me.

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16 hours ago, Fauve Aeon said:

But are many of those people still active? Are they considered ‘top tier’ players/residents of today since all of those adjustments and perks happened that long ago? I rarely see many people from 2006 or before in the world anymore. Some forumites, probably? 

Several of the regulars at my club have start dates of 2006 and earlier.  My own first account (still active but not much used, except for the land allowance and stipend) slipped into the $500-per-week category just in time.  Another place I see a lot of very old accounts is The Shelter - somewhat ironic considering it's a place aimed at new people.  NCI too, though I very rarely go there these days.

I do wonder though, if having a last name (one of the original last names, not one of the new name-change names) is still a status symbol?  Though I can't say that I've noticed any difference between myself and my younger alts for that reason.

Edited by Lewis Luminos
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17 hours ago, FreshPrince Oskar said:

Just curious what difference there is from a old account who's been playing awhile, to a brand new one. There's literally no level, so what is considered a top tier SL account? 

It's basically bragging rights, "I get XXX amount a week, I get this, I get that, because I slipped in the week LL was doing it back in 2004" That's about it. Everybody's the same as far as accounts go, just little perks.

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3 minutes ago, Janet Voxel said:

It's basically bragging rights, "I get XXX amount a week, I get this, I get that, because I slipped in the week LL was doing it back in 2004" That's about it. Everybody's the same as far as accounts go, just little perks.

Sort of.  If you are are a major real estate mogul like Anshe Chung, then I have no doubt they get special treatment when calling in about a problem.

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5 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

You aren't looking hard enough. 

True because I don’t usually have need to reference the account age when I meet somebody unless they are asking newbie questions in which case I pass them along to the first trusted (usually older) good teaching source that I can grab.

I do sometimes note it in passing, or when I surf a profile… The age of the account. But I also know that soooo many people have made new accounts some even in a series...and don’t even play on their oldest account anymore so the human is long ‘in the world’ but the account isn’t very old. So that really kind of skews the system when it comes to looking at account age. For the most part, people I’ve met aren’t disingenuous about it but they also don’t dwell on the fact that this isn’t the first account. Fauve is my first account so that’s as old as I am ever in SL and I’ve taken several decently long complete breaks from the world so I am more of a noob than someone that would be several years younger than I am as far as experience goes, and I don’t consider myself an ‘oldbie’ or veteran user/player mostly because of that. 

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