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20 hours ago, sakeofara said:

I've seen a lot of rl vacation places/resorts on SL and I was wondering if there is a Dubai sim of some sort? I would really like to go to one!

There's a shopping event at Dubai: City of Gold.  I've never walked around to see what the rest of the region looks like.

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Horizon Beach/150/96/22

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There is a Dubai themed resort, called Ermias Lifestyle Dubai, I wrote a review about it a few months back,  The idea is good, but I thought they tried to pack too much into the sim so that the end result is almost claustrophobic, they would have been better concentrating on just one or two things (e.g. the desert, the marina etc).  And indeed, there are 30+ hotels and vacation resorts in Second Life,  my aim is to review and stay in them all by Easter.

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