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What is your favourite spot to meet new friends?


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Social Island is the 1st place that will come for many i guess.

But for me iv met more friends while travelling with meetro,

In skinny dip island(Like minded Yeah..😜)

And in some new shopping stores.


For your information,

 many of my Russian,American,Indian,Bengali,Japanese,Australian,Romanian,Andorran,Egyptian,German,and Uzbek friends were met in these spots.


So new comers,take note

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I’ve met most of my SL friends through participating in shared interest group events & activities, not by just hanging out in any certain spot. I know group chat can be kind of broken sometimes but many SL groups also have a Discord now too. But I like to stack the deck at least a little bit and know people share at least one interest with me so groups help with that.

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Long ago there was a place called Sunset Beach where I made lots of great friends, it is now gone and I have never found anyplace like it. More recently I have made a lot of friends at Mother Road, there are never lots of people there but the ones who are there always seem more wiling to be friendly and talk.

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I have been living in the Bellisseria continent since January so 95% of who I meet and spend time with nowadays are my neighbors who also happen to be some of the nicest people I have ever met on SL. The community is quite active with events almost every other day, mini-groups based on interests like Bellisseria Bike Drive & Scoot, and we have public hangouts like the Belli Blues Cafe. You do not need to be a premium member or Bellisseria resident to attend events here. Everyone is welcome, and I do not know of any other community on SL that is more inclusive and welcoming than Bellisseria.

Outside of Belli, I always meet very kind souls and intriguing personalities while out driving or sailing on the mainland. Grid drivers, boat owners, car designers, GTFO couriers, fellow explorers, region crash victims (lol), so on... I also meet very helpful like-minded people while creating and tinkering with things at Builders Brewery.

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I have found the best places/ways to meet new people is random places.


I've encountered so many lovely people on my SL travels of the mainland I lost count, truly.  I might meet a random person as I ride past on my turbo powered toilet tricycle, and exchange a random greeting that piques someone's interest, such things as "hey I bet you can't put a fruit pastille in your mouth without reciting happy birthday in Latin".


I've met many a new friend by taking the random approach.

Edited by Adamburp Adamczyk
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