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Looking to meet friends in or close to time EST zone

Birdie Amethyst

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I am all about meeting people from all over the world.

That being said, I have not found but maybe two players close to my play hours. I'm in South Carolina, USA EST time zone. If you or anyone you know is looking to meet a friend and you are in or near the same time zone, please add me!


If you aren't and you think I'm interesting for some reason 😄 I'm not going to turn away ANY new friends.


Thanks ya'll! ~ Birdie

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Hi there! My name is Celene. Welcome to SL! I have been here for almost ten years and I am always finding new places to explore and making new friends.


If you are looking for people to meet I suggest giving fishing for lindens a try. I am an avid fisher and the group has a huge community of people all over the world. I am in the U.S. too and I find that there are always tons of people online.


The linden is the in-world currency. It isn't necessary to have them, but they can come in handy sometimes. Anyway, if you are interested in exploring and meeting a ton of people, check them out! I joined about six years ago and have loved every minute of it.


Here is the link to Business Park where the headquarters of the fishing game is:

http://slurl.com/secondlife/Business Park/104/149/22


They have a lot of other games too and trivia if fishing isn't your thing. I do trivia a lot. SL has a large trivia fan base!


Edited by CeleneHighwater
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8 hours ago, Max Nova said:

I'm the exact opposite of your time zone. My AM is your PM but I'm mostly on in the AM my time which is usually about 5 PM your local time.  Shoot me an IM if you would like to chat. 🙂

Yeah I feel like time zone is less relevant, it's more about what time of day you can log in wherever you happen to be. I'm UK, but I usually log in my afternoon or really late at night, so I got friends from all over (US, Canada, Australia, India) who I regularly get to see.

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