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Looking for Avatar


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I used to have the avatar that could be shown on the picture years ago. Sadly, I couldn't find it anymore on my inventory, no matter how much I looked into all my stuff, so I think I permanently deleted it without knowing, and I have been looking through the Second Life Marketplace on the Avatar category for Furry for a long while now (possibly hours), but I haven't been able to find it yet. The picture I include with the post is two years old and I took it with an external program on my computer that I use for screenshots and I took that picture to show a friend at that moment the avatar I used to have back then, and I didn't save the landmark for the place where I found the Avatar on Second Life, and if I did, the place was probably changed or doesn't exist anymore because I deleted some of my landmarks that were changed or couldn't teleport to anymore.

If anyone could have any clue where I could find this avatar (either a SL Marketplace Link or a landmark), I'd be very happy.

P.S.: I don't remember the name of the avatar either, the picture I add with the post is the only hint I have from it.



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