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Lelutka Applier


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Hello friends! I want to do HD eye makeup and lipstick for Lelutka head. I have done many trials for Genus and Catwa before and did not encounter any problems. But I cannot create Applier for Lelutka. Since I couldn't find a source video, I wanted to ask you. Is there a detailed guide? Or if someone wants to tell me I would be very happy.

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7 minutes ago, SIDIKA said:

Hello friends! I want to do HD eye makeup and lipstick for Lelutka head. I have done many trials for Genus and Catwa before and did not encounter any problems. But I cannot create Applier for Lelutka. Since I couldn't find a source video, I wanted to ask you. Is there a detailed guide? Or if someone wants to tell me I would be very happy.

Maybe check here

Content Creators | LeLUTKA (lelutkasl.com)

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Also, do you have a modern LeLutka head? (If not, they're offering free male and female heads in the newer Evolution line, through Christmas.) I think you'll find a "Creator Kit" bundled with the head that contains the HD Applier related scripts. (I've never actually used them, sticking to BOM surfaces myself, so I'm not sure how far they'll take you without registering with them as a creator, if that's even a thing.)

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