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new Linden home

Wesley Goland

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As Marisa said, many more houseboats will be released soon.  If you look on the map for a region named Swim Shady, you will see a lot of regions nearby with red rims around them (Stilt homes), and a lot of houseboat regions adjacent to those.  All those houseboat regions have not yet been released (you cannot yet visit them either), but will almost certainly be released around the time that the Stilt home regions are released.  It is likely that will be within a month.

So, you could:

1.  Make an alt premium for 1 month only.

2.  Have that alt get an OLD Linden home and set it to group.  Then move from your old Linden home to the alt's home, and abandon the old one. Your main account will now be free and available to hunt for houseboats within the next month, and meanwhile you will still have a home that you like.

Alternatively, your alt could get a traditional, Vic, or log home fairly easily, and you could move into that temporarily.  It would get you into the swing of Bellisseria, but may be more disruption than makes sense for you during the holiday season.

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To Determine Linden Home Availability:

Go to Linden Homes | Second Life

Log in with an alt that does not have a Linden Home, preferably non-premium

Initiate the procedure to see available Linden Homes:  Themes, etc

Don't complete the process.   Will be unable to complete the process, since is not Premium Account

Edited by KathrynLisbeth
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You are most likely aware that all the new Linden Home house types are 1024 sqm apart from the trailers which 512. Make sure you have the full 1024 allowance available when you go looking to get your houseboat as it’s never a good thing to have an additional hurdle in the way when trying to grab a home.

Good luck! :) 

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It took me around four days to get a large Linden Home. During that time refreshing the screen I saw a couple of campers and a traditional (which I took). I never saw a log cabin nor a houseboat. 

The only ones that will come up are abandons so you are going to have to be very lucky and fast to get one. 

Might be an idea to hold off until the new house styles are launched as I’ve been told there will be loads of abandons then. 

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Don't give up would be my advice, also as someone said above make sure you have tier available. First time I got a houseboat option I failed to secure it as all my tier was donated to by group. There are clearly a lot of people upgrading alts (I know I did) which is good for LL financials, but also a lot of catch and release going on hence keep trying. I secured a houseboat and felt confident to release it as I wanted a better location for sailing/exploring by boat. You'll see campers the most and houseboats the least but I promise you will see them after a day or so. 

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I have played this game, and I still swear by Google Chrome and Auto Refresh Plus. I set it to 80 seconds between each refresh.

I am using Firefox for all other reading, and let this Google Chrome with autorefresh run in the background.

Yesterday, I sold some mainland and I decided to get a log cabin only for the content pack. Some lilies there that I really wanted.

I was in the kitchen, heard the sound alert and grabbed a log home same day. It did not take many hours. I have tried manual refreshing, some say that works best for them. But I know I forget it.

I know it will be a lot of houses abandoned when the Stilt homes are released. Unfortunately, we do not know when... We are still hoping for a release before Christmas.

I am quite sure that a Traditional, Log home or perhaps a Victorian can be acquired in 1-2 days, if you use autorefresh.

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