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Looking for Venue Sponsors/Partners for Parallel Universe Productions


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Hi , 

My name is ABby and I represent Parallel Universe Productions . (Please visit www.pupsl.com ) . We make large scale shows & reality series on Second Life engaging hundreds of residents on sl bringing more traffic to your sim. We are looking for a sponsor who would be willing to donate/rent their sim  as  our event location  for our upcoming project . 
As a sponsor , we will be promoting your business through following services :
 1. Adboard at Headquarters/Events & PUP Theatres 
2.  Large Animated logo at events/Theatres 
3.  Video Ad inworld 
4.  Video ad on Social Media 
5. Mention in all branding 
6. Live Presentations In events 

 We build our stages in sky so your land decor is never disturbed and the requirement is we need 2 interconnected sims where we place audience on one side and performers on other and media /rezzing rights for my team . Details of the project will be revealed later .


Please contact Abby Alexander on facebook or Abhisshhree resident inworld in case you are interested or know anybody who might be .


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