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Voodoo Music Center is HIRING!

Gemfyre Starlight

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Voodoo Music Center/VCG is now hiring!

Voodoo Custom Guitars & Voodoo Lounge is an up and coming club! We will be hosting events with live band performances and having our after parties at the voodoo lounge with our amazing DJS, hosts and dancers. We are willing to train the right candidates if you have no experience!

We are very excited to introduce the first and only virtual custom guitar shop that allows you to customize and then order a RL custom hand made guitar in SL.

We are looking for dancers, hosts, and DJs to join our team.

Drop in and apply today! (Submit applications to Gemfyre Starlight)

Voodoo Custom Guitars & Music Center

PM me in game with any questions and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.


Edited by Gemfyre Starlight
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