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Server Rolls for EEP fix? When?


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The Grid Status Page announced that, as part of the fix for EEP settings borkage caused by Server vsn 553176, Rolls for both RC channels and Main Server channels would take place on Friday 11th, ie today, yet neither have been commenced (apparently). So ARE they going to happen or did someone realise that a Rolling Restart to ALL regions during the busiest period of the week was a bad idea?


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The todays rolling restarts were necessary to take over the current fix for the EEP problem in the regions see Since the last update for the main channel 2020-12-02.553176 we can no longer change the EEP presets for the region. - Second Life Server - Second Life Community and https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-229824 and were announced at short notice in the grid status Second Life Status (secondlifegrid.net)  .

Edited by Miller Thor
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@Solar Legion : We have reported that problem first after we found it early morning and have been involved until the end. So there's no reason for you to laugh stupidly about it. And now we have the next  issue that no scripts working with http are  working any longer. For example Vendors area all death gridwide.

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That's nice. The Rolling Restarts were scheduled well before the EEP fix. No mention of Restarts whatsoever was made in regards to the fix. Furthermore when the fix was implemented, the rolling restarts had yet to even show up as in progress.

Now then, since you're not a Linden I suggest you not make definitive statements on the matter.

ETA: So it is also quite clear - Web Communication being down has nothing to do with my reaction or with what was being reacted to and thus is irrelevant as part of your response.

Have a nice day.


Edited by Solar Legion
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@Solar LegionI am surprised at you, you normally get your facts right!

The two rolls last SL afternoon were very clearly arranged during the investigation of the EEP error.  They were announced before the resolution was announced, which again clearly stated that LL had addressed the "back-end" element of the issue.  The subsequent rolls were to apply the server element of the solution, as Miller Thor remarked.

Beatrix noted that Nuggy was restarted, as were the adjacent regions.  Strangely, my region Woods of Heaven has not been restarted and neither were either of the other regions I spent Noon until 6pm PST yesterday.

I won't speculate on why that might be.

I note that Sharie Criss's thread is more recent than any of that activity, so I imagine that more back-end and Server-side fixes will be applied in due course.

Edited by Aishagain
Correction and additional text
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21 minutes ago, Aishagain said:

@Solar LegionI am surprised at you, you normally get your facts right!

The two rolls last SL afternoon were very clearly arranged during the investigation of the EEP error.  They were announced before the resolution was announced, which again clearly stated that LL had addressed the "back-end" element of the issue.  The subsequent rolls were to apply the server element of the solution, as Miller Thor remarked.

Beatrix noted that Nuggy was restarted, as were the adjacent regions.  Strangely, my region Woods of Heaven has not been restarted and neither were either of the other regions I spent Noon until 6pm PST yesterday.

I won't speculate on why that might be.

I note that Sharie Criss's thread is more recent than any of that activity, so I imagine that more back-end and Server-side fixes will be applied in due course.

I usually get my information from the proper channels/sources and observation.

Those rolls were scheduled very clearly prior to any mention of EEP needing a fix. Frankly I have a rather large issue with any user speaking in the place of a Linden on such matters and will defer to what is shown/directly observed.

GSP showed that the rolls were scheduled at the time and were not underway when I logged back in. EEP was fixed at the time. Either someone forgot to update the GSP (possible) or they rolled much later than one would expect.

Either way there is no mention whatsoever on the GSP stating that the fix would be implemented with the Rolling Restarts. The EEP issue quite clearly states at 12:53PM PST that the fix was implemented.

So sorry - not taking any end user's word on the matter. Especially one that felt the need to respond to a reaction.

And yes, I am a fair bit crankier today than normal and not nearly as willing to deal with much. Also yes, I am being quite pedantic on this. I am well aware that the fix might have required a Restart to get it to take - I am just as well aware that this is not always the case when dealing with what appears to be a permissions issue, server side.

@Oz Linden- If my reading of the GSP is wrong, care to make a correction?

ETA: The thread regarding Web Communication has nothing whatsoever to do with the above and is irrelevant to both the reaction and subsequent (brief) back and forth.

Edited by Solar Legion
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Well having just done a thorough check, I can say with certainty that Woods of Heaven has NOT been rolled to 553685, though Estings and Sheer both have.  I will be approaching support about Woods in due course.

Looking again at the timings of the GSP announcements, i am astonished at Solar Legion's contention that the rolls were scheduled before the EEP issue was mentioned...they clearly were NOT!

Frankly I neither know nor care to speculate on that.

The relevance of the script communication issue is merely that it would appear to have arisen as a result of the roll to 553685.

Edited by Aishagain
correction of server software version number
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Two things:

  1. If you do not care to speculate, then don't mention anyone by name.
  2. The last time I checked the GSP, there were Rolls scheduled originally for later in the week/early the coming week - these were moved to Friday.

I prefer to go by what information is directly presented. I was mistaken as to the timing of the rolls (they were shifted). For that and that alone I apologize and stand corrected.

Aisha, have you even tried to alter the region/parcel level EEP settings on the region in question? That will answer if the restarts/updates truly had anything to do with the fix. As of the Release Notes page, the version in question was rolled in on Thursday - this may be improperly marked. There is no mention of an EEP fix unless such is meant to be a part of the rather generic internal tweaks.

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Just now, Aishagain said:

@Solar LegionYes and no they are not taking!  Further I just contacted support and apparently I must now await the next batch of rolling restarts in order that my region be updated!

Then I further stand corrected and incredibly irritated as well.

Ordinarily the GSP and Release Notes are very clear on fix implementations. This time however they left those details out, giving the impression that the fix and restarts (as well as the Release implementation date) had nothing more to do with each other than coincidence - something which I am quite wary of regarding correlation/causation.

When implementing such a fix in such a manner it is imperative that it be written out/properly documented.

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@Solar Legion Some additional info about yesterday's late restarts and the GSP: my home region (Nuggy) went down for maintenance right after a contiguous one returned (Jorondip) and the GSP had no mention about restarts being underway. The restarts were performed on due time, as the notice was they would begin around 2:45 SLT.
I was annoyed for having everyone leaving my place but it was for the best, so that was OK. But yes, as you suggested, someone forgot to update the GSP, which isn't something new — it was the GSP being the GSP.

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1 minute ago, MBeatrix said:

@Solar Legion Some additional info about yesterday's late restarts and the GSP: my home region (Nuggy) went down for maintenance right after a contiguous one returned (Jorondip) and the GSP had no mention about restarts being underway. The restarts were performed on due time, as the notice was they would begin around 2:45 SLT.
I was annoyed for having everyone leaving my place but it was for the best, so that was OK. But yes, as you suggested, someone forgot to update the GSP, which isn't something new — it was the GSP being the GSP.

It's a bit worse than simply not updating the GSP in that regard. Timing aside, no indication whatsoever was given that the rolls were to implement a server side fix requiring a restart. Not on the GSP and not on the Release Notes page.

The sort of thing that makes me rather hesitant to give them the benefit of the doubt going forward.

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Hey @Solar Legion believe me, you are NOT the only one irritated!  Yes, the updating and the wording of the GSP seems very variable and I suppose this is due to whoever is doing the posting and updating.

This last bout of perculiarity seems to have been sorted by now (script communications) and the issue has been marked as "resolved".  I guess we had been lucky during the uplift process and our (and LL's) luck ran out on Friday!

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'S been three days now and I have reminded support but there is still no ETA for the rolling of my region (and of course all the other regions that must be on the same server as mine) to the correct version of software that completes the EEP error fix.

Frankly I am disgusted.

I accept that the original failure to roll that server was a simple oversight but the seeming inability to correct it is NOT.

Edited by Aishagain
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The Lindens have just announced rollouts/restarts for everything on Tuesday so maybe it will get sorted for you. Make notes of version numbers.

I'm assuming that they will be reluctant to change anything in the week before Christmas, but I suppose they might restart everything next week, to avert prolonged uptime.

I did get hit by an out-of-planning restart over the weekend, got the in-world warning messages. No doubt they have a cunning plan...

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