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Does anyone know how to remove this from screen ?


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Hello everyone. May I ask a help for this ?

Since about a week ago, I saw this small white writing on the corner of my viewer all the time. I might click a wrong place but I don't remember. It seems about pixels and when I move mouse, these numbers change. When I take snap shot, this shows up too, so I want to erase from my screen. Does any of you know how to do ?  Thank you for the advise !


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8 minutes ago, JadePono said:

Hello everyone. May I ask a help for this ?

Since about a week ago, I saw this small white writing on the corner of my viewer all the time. I might click a wrong place but I don't remember. It seems about pixels and when I move mouse, these numbers change. When I take snap shot, this shows up too, so I want to erase from my screen. Does any of you know how to do ?  Thank you for the advise !


In quick.preference, uncheck show color under cursor

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7 minutes ago, JadePono said:

Hello everyone. May I ask a help for this ?

Since about a week ago, I saw this small white writing on the corner of my viewer all the time. I might click a wrong place but I don't remember. It seems about pixels and when I move mouse, these numbers change. When I take snap shot, this shows up too, so I want to erase from my screen. Does any of you know how to do ?  Thank you for the advise !


That is the Firestorm feature that shows the RGB colour values under your cursor. You can turn it off using the Quick Preferences button in Firestorm (usually bottom right of screen).


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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Why yes. Yes, I DID!!!!

Ok, you may live.

/me smiles graciously.

AND you sorted my brain out too :)

I'd had those numbers a while back, but I'd no idea what they were. I'd forgotten about them because they haven't been there for a while. I didn't even realise they'd gone. To the very best of my knowledge, I've never turned them on or off. I haven't update Firestorm so that couldn't have got rid of them. Also I've never used Quick prefs to change anything.

But YOUR more detailed description has taught me what the numbers were. Thank you Scylla :D


Edited by Phil Deakins
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4 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

It's actually in any viewer, since it's part of the standard LL viewer, accessible through either the Developer menu.

Impossible! Because:

2 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

I'd had those numbers a while back, but I'd no idea what they were. I'd forgotten about them because they haven't been there for a while. I didn't even realise they'd gone. To the very best of my knowledge, I've never turned them on or off. I haven't update Firestorm so that couldn't have got rid of them. Also I've never used Quick prefs to change anything.


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