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Omega for Legacy Bod?

Lauren Delvalle

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I've been away awhile, but am excited to update my spankin' new legacy bod! Looking for Omega appliers for Legacy on the MP, I found nothing. But seems to be an omega relay system for every other obscure thing! Seems like Legacy is pretty popular atm, would think there would be something there. Am I missing something?

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18 minutes ago, Lauren Delvalle said:

Why on earth would Legacy not want to be compatible with the Omega System? They went to all the trouble to make fit deformers for Maitreya. Just seems odd.

They had done something similar prior iirc(when they were The Mesh Project). Think of it kind of like Apple. They want exclusivity to things.. but it just ends up being a pain in the butt for most consumers.

Luckily BOM helps a bit these days.

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6 hours ago, Lauren Delvalle said:

Why on earth would Legacy not want to be compatible with the Omega System? They went to all the trouble to make fit deformers for Maitreya. Just seems odd.

Because they have always had a strange way of doing thing their own way, from when they were TMP and totally whack- a doodledoo. Now that they rebranded to Meshbody, they removed much of the weirdness. But that refusal of joining Omega is one of the remaining things.

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TMP Legacy Meshbody never has and likely never will support Omega they've always had their way of doing things that need an external server, good thing is they use BoM which isn't that hard to fathom out and allows you to wear more system layers than a typical body using applier layers will allow. If you can dress a system body with system clothes you can dress a BoM enabled body in the same way

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13 hours ago, Lauren Delvalle said:

I see. Makes sense in a business way I guess...but yes, not convenient for consumers. I need to learn more about BOM. I feel so totally out of the loop after being gone for a year or so! Alls I wanna do is wear my cool tatts! :)

If any of your tats came with an actual tattoo layer, you'll be able to wear them if you turn on BOM on your body.  A lot of my older Letis tattoos all came with those layers so I'm able to wear them.  Also, with BOM, you can have other body mods as well as your tats without worrying about one layer messing up another.

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