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Trying to buy skins, always demos. WHY? And setting filter to NOT show demos, always shows DEMOS! AAAARGH!

garaouelle Giha

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as the title says. When searching for skins in marketplace, all the skins are demos? Hows to get actual skins and not demo skins?
also, i find that when i set  filters to not show demos, guess what? Almost everything it shows is demos!
How do i stop this, or what am i doing wrong? Or is there a way to get them to become actual items and not demo items?
I dunno. 

Edited by garaouelle Giha
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5 minutes ago, garaouelle Giha said:

as the title says. When searching for skins in marketplace, all the skins are demos? Hows to get actual skins and not demo skins?
also, i find that when i set  filters to not show demos, guess what? Almost everything it shows is demos!
How do i stop this, or what am i doing wrong? Or is there a way to get them to become actual items and not demo items?
I dunno. 

Do you have it set to least expensive first?  That would put all the demos at the beginning.  Some places do get by the demo filter by charging 1L.  I used no demo, no limited quantity and newest first and got this


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I found that if i set the top right filter at top of results to ''relevance'' i got better results actually!

(now my issue is i've paid for items, but they are all still in my cart, undelievered, but appear to have LD$ credit of the value i paid... (Taken from my RL account) SO gonna have to open a new question thread. Thanks though!

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2 hours ago, garaouelle Giha said:

as the title says. When searching for skins in marketplace, all the skins are demos? Hows to get actual skins and not demo skins?
also, i find that when i set  filters to not show demos, guess what? Almost everything it shows is demos!
How do i stop this, or what am i doing wrong? Or is there a way to get them to become actual items and not demo items?
I dunno. 

next to the no demo button, set the price at at least 1L$ .. this often clears most of the demos

The filters in MP simply suck, don't work, and there's seemingly nothing to do about it .. technical or other reason...
using words as AND /NO  should work.. but don't even spend time on trying it... :)

And not least important sellers do éverthing to scam the system.

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10 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

using words as AND /NO  should work.. but don't even spend time on trying it... :)

And not least important sellers do éverthing to scam the system.

not too sure what you mean by the ''AND/NO'' though, but yes, can hardly have a sense of community, if scams aren't taken seriously by the Lindeners. Mind you nothing really seems to have updated but for means of bringing in cash, since i joined around 2009! Still clunky, laggy, and spend more time with issues and fixing things than relaxing and enjoying... but that's another threads-worth! lol

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2 hours ago, garaouelle Giha said:

not too sure what you mean by the ''AND/NO'' though,

the search engine in MP works with commands ...( should work with commands but it's always been a big mess)
if you would type  "skins NO demo"  it should skip the demo's ( obviously not working)
or "housboat AND deck" ( for a houseboat with deck)

Sellers can avoid that system for example by keyword spam, put "deck" in the keywords for a non deck houseboat, and it will still show in your searchresults
This also reason for the many search problems .. how many ways you can type demo?... Demo, DEMO, dEmo, deMo  ... d-e-m-o ... and so on....
And we all know ... nothing is done against it except some symbolic changes now and than)

Edited by Alwin Alcott
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Yes,. and the example given above re' 'houseboat' with or without 'deck', is worth getting sorted out, as it is really actually counter-productive for everyone, including passionate creators. But as we are encouraged by the sh*tty system we all live under in RL to be mercenary rather than to adhere to and have integrity towards our real passions, we seem to be buried under imposters (those who impose themselves) so much so for so many generations that those who are true to their passions are made to look like the foolish ones, and each generations imposters/mercenaries become ever more dominating and sociopathic i suppose in it's normalization. 
Well, that went a bit off-topic on the surface of it there, but still had to be said to make sense of life, which even gets reflected on here.

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18 hours ago, garaouelle Giha said:

not too sure what you mean by the ''AND/NO'' though

The search bar accepts the Boolean terms NOT, AND, and OR.  To exclude demo items, type NOT demo NOT Demo NOT DEMO NOT *Demo* as part of your search string.  The Boolean operators need to be in ALL CAPS.

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WOW! Glad you mentioned that with surety, as that's a few guys above now mentioned. So thanks for that Lindal.
AND, cor-dammit! I should've clicked to it now you have confirm-a-mentioned it (EH! See that? See what I did there? Eh eh eh? New words every time i post!).

Boolean. I've never felt pushed to use them before and give much thought to everyday application. So SL really living up it it's inspirational and educational aspect.
Which is a combination of the full timers seen or unseen, and the community members humanness having a wee platform to be actually functioning as humans throughout.
Whoop Whoop! let's keep it up.
SO, Duckduckgo and away! Whoosh..  Here goes on a Boolean expedition... Chocs away!

Edited by garaouelle Giha
deciding which bad grammar to keep, and which to correct.
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