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Random stuff from strangers


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Tonight I got an IM from some girl who stole my car. She even sent me a picture of her and her friend cruising around in it. This got me wondering if other had stories of strange random things from strangers.


Edited by Talligurl
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I got a tarot deck and a toaster 😎 

The weirdest was a random notecard from a week-old account, it was called something like "LL rules for Lindens using alts" and just a long list of things about what Lindens could and couldn't do( spending money, talking to residents, etc) if they were using alts.  I never replied to the sender and have no clue whether it was based on any real rules, or why they even sent it to me...

When I was hosting with one certain DJ we used to announce that we'd accept textures or builds or random objects as tips, so we collected a few of those...

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I got 5 transactions of L$20 each over the course of about 20 minutes from this one avatar. Never talked to the avatar, never did anything that would warrant me getting tips. I was just standing idly in an adult sandbox, organizing my inventory and trying some things on. What I want to know is, why not send the L$ in a lump sum instead of multiple transactions? Isn't it more work this way? 

Also, I once got a notecard with a title like "WILL YOU MARRY ME" at the Firestorm Social Island. I guess I'm flattered by the proposal, but I had never talked to this person either and had literally just TP'ed in when I got the card. Never read the notecard, I think the title said it all! The avatar was about 5 days old. Not sure why they felt the urge to send this to me in a notecard rather than just IM'ing me, but I suppose that takes the suspense out of it? 

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Do d**kp**ks count? I guess they're not that strange nor do they feel random. A woman sent me her nude once. That was weird. As for objects, we now get warnings all the time about not accepting things from strangers because they might drain your bank account. So, no thanks!

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6 hours ago, Bree Giffen said:

A woman sent me her nude once.

   This has happened to me a few times. The weirdest one was after one had thrown a fit about me not being into her (and how that warranted leaving SL - after just having purchased a private region that she'd barely gotten started with). People are weird.

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23 hours ago, Talligurl said:

Tonight I got an IM from some girl who stole my car. She even sent me a picture of her and her friend cruising around in it. This got me wondering if other had stories of strange random things from strangers.


And i got upset!!!

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A long time ago I had somebody in a G rated sandbox give me a random box that, when opened, spewed out dozens of realistic, bouncing d*cks that chased people around, which led to everybody in the area reporting me as I frantically tried to get rid of them 😐

I no longer open random objects

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7 minutes ago, Wolfpeach said:

A long time ago I had somebody in a G rated sandbox give me a random box that, when opened, spewed out dozens of realistic, bouncing d*cks that chased people around, which led to everybody in the area reporting me as I frantically tried to get rid of them 😐

I no longer open random objects

Never accept anything from anyone you don't know very well. 

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