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Hey guys! I've been on second life for a month now, definitely still a newbie lool. I've had the free eBody curvy since I first joined SL and I'm finally thinking of investing more into my look. So I'd like to know what you guys would suggest are the best female bodies that's curvy/voluptuous and has plenty of clothes made for that body in SL so it's not difficult to find clothes to fit that body because that's my struggle with eBody currently. 

Also, if anyone could please provide the steps to take if wanting to apply new body with same head but different skin. I'd appreciate it so much!


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I agree with RitaCallisto, those two are really good voluptuous bodies I have them both and I can highly recommend demoing both of them. The boobs on the Belleza Freya body are a bit fuller but also larger than on the SLink Hourglass, in case that's important to you.

There are other bodies which some may consider voluptuous, the Kupra body is an up and coming one, but that body does not have realistic proportions and I am no fan, but your mileage may vary. 

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4 hours ago, SuzzyG00 said:

Hey guys! I've been on second life for a month now, definitely still a newbie lool. I've had the free eBody curvy since I first joined SL and I'm finally thinking of investing more into my look. So I'd like to know what you guys would suggest are the best female bodies that's curvy/voluptuous and has plenty of clothes made for that body in SL so it's not difficult to find clothes to fit that body because that's my struggle with eBody currently. 

Also, if anyone could please provide the steps to take if wanting to apply new body with same head but different skin. I'd appreciate it so much!


Belleza Freya is the nearest in bodyshape and proportions to eBody Curvy. One of my alts uses eBody Curvy and I'm strongly considering upgrading her to Freya, cos there's really not a lot of options for eBody. 

Hourglass is also curvy but it's a rather different shape, with a "shelf" butt and thinner waist. Freya looks more natural.

I just wish that Belleza would update their bodies once in a while *sigh*

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3 hours ago, Maitimo said:

I just wish that Belleza would update their bodies once in a while *sigh*

The creator is clearly still around, but just.. not doing anything other than skins, I guess? Which is a real shame. Such beautiful bodies. Would really rather not get stuck looking like a cartoon.

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