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New Firestorm version with EEP


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While there has been a public beta of Firestorm with EEP for a long time, it has been the original EEP, which changed a lot in the SL viewer. Original EEP got things such as specular reflection wildly different from what you saw with the Windlight system. When this was fixed, I stopped using the Firestorm Beta, knowing any texturing I did in that would be broken in other viewers.

The new version of Firestorm, with the current EEP standard, has been released. It's looking good, though EEP is a big change. You may see different lighting settings, because of what is set for a parcel, but existing content isn't ruined. Firestorm has its usual range of sky settings available in Quick Preferences, maybe not identical to what you are used to, but picking one you like is all you need to do.

There are other features. I am getting similar performance to previous versions. But Firestorm without EEP, as the most popular viewer on the Grid, was holding us all back.

Two weeks to Christmas. Stay safe.

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the only thing i really don't like is the addition to the floating camcontrols .. it's of course not much but a 3rd larger by adding the settings there is quite a lot for such handy tool that many people always have active. For me a choice to add it there ór in the quick pref. would have been better.

Of course if i have overlooked the possibility to change it... i didn't complain:)

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12 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

the only thing i really don't like is the addition to the floating camcontrols .. it's of course not much but a 3rd larger by adding the settings there is quite a lot for such handy tool that many people always have active. For me a choice to add it there ór in the quick pref. would have been better.

Of course if i have overlooked the possibility to change it... i didn't complain:)

The additional functions came from the "Camera Presets" project from the Lab. The camera controls presets in the FS default skin are a lot smaller than those handed down from the lab and resizable. If many people don't feel that the new presets controls are not a worthwhile addition then it would be worth creating a Jira and we can consider it, be sure to be clear what you are wanting to see. Given the breadth of the user base it is very hard to please everyone and, as it happens, configurable UI is a real pain to manage in the code so it is not something we rush to do. 

Edited by Beq Janus
missed an important "not"
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So far so good.

I had a hard time to figure how to close the floating camera after creating a setting until i found out that is under avatar tab, lol.

The camera floater could have the option to close it on the floater itself.

But is a real improvement.

AS for EEP settings; i made my own and ported them to the New viewer. As soon as i choose the option apply only to myself, they start showing on the quick preferences tool under sky.

Same with the water set.

Found out how to get variations on the shadows incidence via quirk preferences, personal lightning:)


Edited by foneco Zuzu
found some
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21 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

Heh, so by the end of the day the AUR (Arch User Repository) entry for Firestorm-bin ought to be up to date. Ought to be interesting to say the least.

Which seems odd considering how easy it is to just extract the official .tar.xz and move the folder to the desired location, or just run the install.sh script in the extracted folder. That said, I also have the Flatpak version of Firestorm installed out of curiosity even though my .desktop points to the official folder which i've placed in /opt. As of this post, the Flatpak version isn't updated to 6.4.12 yet.

I'm already used to the new Firestorm, having kept up with custom compiled beta versions. I've got the official version installed now. I wish LL had fixed the EEP moon by the time of this release. I wonder how long it will take for the regular users to file bug reports that the moon is practically invisible near the horizon? HINT: The bug report exists and was accepted months ago....

Edited by KjartanEno
additional info
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3 hours ago, KjartanEno said:

I wish LL had fixed the EEP moon by the time of this release. I wonder how long it will take for the regular users to file bug reports that the moon is practically invisible near the horizon? HINT: The bug report exists and was accepted months ago....

In earlier EEP development phase the moon was really beautiful sight to behold. Then some time during autumn update LL totally destroyed the EEP moon. When it is low in the sky it is barely noticeable ugly dark disk. Dark disk!  What the heck! 🤬 🙁   Don't they check is everything ok when they fix something?

This was how beautiful the EEP moon was earlier before it was destroyed. Bring it back, bring it back.

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9 hours ago, SarahThe Wanderer said:

Yes, my parcel looked bad without my old windlight, but I kinda like the new EEP , but whenever I set up my new environment settings and click apply to parcel nothing's changed!


Since the older viewer used .xml files to store Windlight settings, and that "Import" button imports an .xml file, I'm assuming that people can convert an old Windlight they have made. One thing I saw was a suggestion that photographers have lost some lighting settings.

Having a Day Cycle running does make a noticeable different to frame rate. After seeing a mention of other things being calculated/redrawn every frame, I wonder a bit what is lurking.

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Taken from Inara Pey blog

The FPS drop might be EEP related – there is a noticeable drop in EEP viewers as a result of Linden Water plane rendering problems (themselves apparently the result of a “fix” by linden Lab for water reflection flashing issues). As noted in the article, there is a means to “correct” this (Preferences → Graphics → Rendering → Occlude objects for water distortion map); however, while this can eliminate the performance drop, it can re-introduce a the flashing reflections issues.

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8 hours ago, Coby Foden said:

In earlier EEP development phase the moon was really beautiful sight to behold. Then some time during autumn update LL totally destroyed the EEP moon. When it is low in the sky it is barely noticeable ugly dark disk. Dark disk!  What the heck! 🤬 🙁   Don't they check is everything ok when they fix something?

This was how beautiful the EEP moon was earlier before it was destroyed. Bring it back, bring it back.

While it doesn't fix the moon being near non-existent near the horizon(which i'm pretty ugh about), under Sun & Stars, if you change the color in the box to white, the moon is no longer dark.
Lower than this and my moon starts to fade out of existence.

Edited by RitaCallisto
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I just updated and I have no idea where my nams and prams (as I call them) environment light settings are. There used to be a long list of light settings you could chose that would be your setting no matter what parcel you were on. Now I can't find that option anywhere. 😭

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How do I set different sky for different hight/altitude ?

This is what I had before.

/*Windlight Sky: "[AnaLu] studio4"
Water: "[TOR] Meridian verde"
Sky@19-190: "B5-ShadowDancing"
Sky@450-550: "(SS) Atmospheric 00:00b"
Sky@990-1100: "[AnaLu] studio4"

I did import the old xml files in but I can not get it to set to the altitude I want. for now am on the old viewer waiting for a tutorial on having more then one EEP on a Parcel

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