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Why Pay a Fortune for Sailing? Beautiful Waterfront in the Old World

Prokofy Neva

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Here are some gorgeous parcels on the Mainland Sansara sims that are great for sailing through numerous Linden seas, many areas with interesting builds where you can stop and explore.

These parcels are located by our SL Public Land Preserve which has many nice hangouts and quests.

You don't have to pay a fortune for Blake Sea or refresh pages in vain trying to get a Bellisseria houseboat when you can move right in.

Self-join groups, no waiting for an invitation. IM Prokofy Neva to add powers of ban, media, set landing, change parcel name, terraform, etc.

Donate your tier to get $350/wk discount for 512 m2 or $700/wk discount for 1024.

Teleport to Tharu


Teleport to Tofalar


Teleport to Tofalar


Teleport to Tofalar


Teleport to Atis

$225/275 prims.

And one on Satori

Teleport to Lost Grounds

$350/400 prims






Edited by Prokofy Neva
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