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Merry Christmas 2021


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8 hours ago, rasterscan said:

lol I meant 2020 which tells you everything about me you need to know :D

You can edit the thread title within the first 24 hours.


I thought maybe you were just living in a different dimension than the rest of us or doing a bit of time travel or something.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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15 hours ago, rasterscan said:

we've picked up 10k to 15k extra logins everday for like 9 months

I pictured a thread looking forward to Christmas of the future!  Which will be... less limited... 2021 sounds good to me!  

Hoping that more logins has translated to increasing revenue in a meaningful way across the board.  

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The British 'happy Christmas' already tends to trigger the grammar center in the brains of those across the Atlantic pond, so brace yourselves for my seasons greetings from Dutchland:

'Lucky Christfeast',, and 'pretty Christdays and a lucky new year', and 'a frolic Christfeast'. Yeah, I know, silly Dutch.


Oh, and 'Pretty feast days' with memories from the pre-industrial Netherlands, when the canals would freeze over properly in winter.

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6 hours ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:

The British 'happy Christmas' already tends to trigger the grammar center in the brains of those across the Atlantic pond, so brace yourselves for my seasons greetings from Dutchland:

'Lucky Christfeast',, and 'pretty Christdays and a lucky new year', and 'a frolic Christfeast'. Yeah, I know, silly Dutch.


Oh, and 'Pretty feast days' with memories from the pre-industrial Netherlands, when the canals would freeze over properly in winter.

Couple beneath the man drawing are having a Xmas shopping dispute xD

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Merry Christmas! I will be sending out a handmade framed picture of myself to people! It’s only 150 land impact. It’s set to full bright and has a little flashing bling scripted in! I set it to no mod, no transfer, and copy! So you can have my picture in every room of your house. Thinking of adding an script where if you touch the frame, you will animate kneeling down in awe. But that might be too much. Gotta stay classy y’know!

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40 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

Merry Christmas! I will be sending out a handmade framed picture of myself to people! It’s only 150 land impact. It’s set to full bright and has a little flashing bling scripted in! I set it to no mod, no transfer, and copy! So you can have my picture in every room of your house. Thinking of adding an script where if you touch the frame, you will animate kneeling down in awe. But that might be too much. Gotta stay classy y’know!

If only I had 150 prims left on my land, I would of made the animation for it, too! xD

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