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Uploaded object names in multi-object uploads

Flea Yatsenko

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A while ago, mesh uploads of multi-object meshes got changed from maintaining their Blender names and instead were renamed "Object". Having the mesh names was very helpful for me with import and export scripts. Is there a feature or something I'm missing? That was actually super useful for me and it's gone all of a sudden.

Just to be clear, I export cube.001 and cube.002 in one dae. If I open up the DAE file, the object names are still there. But when I upload to SL, some of the names are changed to "Object." Is there a way to turn this off so it maintains their names? It would be an absolutely HUGE help to me. Thanks

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To my knowledge this was never possible.

There is only name slot in the mesh asset upload if I recall correctly and thus all the others get defaulted, there have been a number of requests for this to be changed. 

I'll double check and post an update, but don't get your hopes up.


EDIT: @Whirly Fizzle beat me to it. See the above link to BUG-202864 and within that my analysis of the mesh asset format data.

I am not 100% convinced that what I wrote in that is totally consistent with reality, though the behaviour remains the same. I have a feeling that while the serialised version that the viewer stores has the name, that it is stripped from the upload because the server cannot handle it.  

Edited by Beq Janus
It was Whirly's fault
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It used to do it, because I wrote a blender plugin that would export an LSL script that could match textures to object names and face numbers as well as construct linksets that didn't import as one object. But it doesn't work anymore because everything is just called "Object" It would be a really big help with materials too, because I could easily adapt it to apply base color + normal + spec.

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4 hours ago, Flea Yatsenko said:

It used to do it, because I wrote a blender plugin that would export an LSL script that could match textures to object names and face numbers as well as construct linksets that didn't import as one object. But it doesn't work anymore because everything is just called "Object" It would be a really big help with materials too, because I could easily adapt it to apply base color + normal + spec.

Any idea how long ago? I can go back through the view source code and see if we changed in FS (or acquired changes from the lab)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/8/2020 at 12:27 AM, Flea Yatsenko said:

A while ago, mesh uploads of multi-object meshes got changed from maintaining their Blender names and instead were renamed "Object". Having the mesh names was very helpful for me with import and export scripts. Is there a feature or something I'm missing? That was actually super useful for me and it's gone all of a sudden.

Just to be clear, I export cube.001 and cube.002 in one dae. If I open up the DAE file, the object names are still there. But when I upload to SL, some of the names are changed to "Object." Is there a way to turn this off so it maintains their names? It would be an absolutely HUGE help to me. Thanks

The general advice about multi mesh uploads is: "don't".

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