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Skin weights


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From what I've seen (reading here and personal experience), a mesh can fail to be recognized as rigged due to a misspelled bone name or too many different bones, overall, influencing vertices. The limit is 110 -- which really shouldn't matter for a necklace, but if your weight transfer gave you a lot of 0s...

Things that I've discovered do not cause this failure are having vertices that have no weighting or more than 4 nonzero weights. The mesh won't animate properly, of course, but these weighting errors won't disable the "include skin weights" option.

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I tried with avastar too, but it was not working. It is a necklace made in zbrush, this version is just a low that I created, because I thought the error was many vertices. If anyone has the same problem:
Avastar> Skinning> Strategy (choise meshes)> so  select just uppermeshbody> Blind to armature.


Thanks for the answers

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