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Dashboard Issue

Vicious Hollow

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If I remember correctly, this isn't a "new" issue with dashboard but seems to have reappeared, and with some regularity.

I've been trying to set/update events for the last few days, and sometimes it works without issue, but then sometimes I get an error saying there's an internal issue. When I check events on dashboard I get a similar error (see pic) Refreshing dashboard makes the error go away, but when I go to try to select an event category it goes right back to the error. 

Also have noticed the Friends, and Groups widgets have been a bit buggy the last couple of days. 


Event listings are still showing up (when clicking the event tab on dashboard), and when I fight through the errors they do get updated, and again, as far as I can recall, it's not a new bug, but seems to be showing up a bit more in the last several days. 




Edited by Vicious Hollow
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1 hour ago, Vicious Hollow said:

If I remember correctly, this isn't a "new" issue with dashboard but seems to have reappeared, and with some regularity.

I've been trying to set/update events for the last few days, and sometimes it works without issue, but then sometimes I get an error saying there's an internal issue. When I check events on dashboard I get a similar error (see pic) Refreshing dashboard makes the error go away, but when I go to try to select an event category it goes right back to the error. 

Also have noticed the Friends, and Groups widgets have been a bit buggy the last couple of days. 


Event listings are still showing up (when clicking the event tab on dashboard), and when I fight through the errors they do get updated, and again, as far as I can recall, it's not a new bug, but seems to be showing up a bit more in the last several days. 




Events has had that notice on my dashboard for  2 days.

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