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I was just invited to an sl wedding. What gift should I get them, if anything?

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I think that very much depends upon the kind of wedding it is. I've been to (and officiated at) ones that were very small, intimate affairs, with not an awful lot more than an exchange of vows -- and I've been to ones that were huge, elaborate, and expensive. The latter are sometimes actual "church" weddings, and include formal receptions afterwards, pictures of the wedding party, and, of course, wedding gifts.

I can't remember if any of the weddings I have attended used a "gift registry," but I'm sure some of the more elaborate ones do. I think some couples simply use their MP wishlist for this purpose. It's a little complicated in SL because, of course, you can't actually gift TWO people.

You might ask if there is a gift registry -- that should give you an answer to whether or not something is expected, and possibly also what they might want.

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25 minutes ago, Nick0678 said:

You don't have to buy them anything since it's SL and avatars have no physical needs but if it's so  important for you to act like it's a normal marriage then i suggest you buy them a honeymoon suite in a virtual resort.

that seems like too intimate a gift

Edited by Foggypebble Muircastle
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49 minutes ago, Foggypebble Muircastle said:
1 hour ago, Nick0678 said:

You don't have to buy them anything since it's SL and avatars have no physical needs but if it's so  important for you to act like it's a normal marriage then i suggest you buy them a honeymoon suite in a virtual resort.

that seems like too intimate a gift

It is actually a quite common gift here in SL.  Various resorts run fantasy honeymoon suites that you can "buy for a night".


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37 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

It is actually a quite common gift here in SL.  Various resorts run fantasy honeymoon suites that you can "buy for a night".

Of course , many times i had people come and ask for a honeymoon suite or a vip island to gift it to their friends. Even made scripted cards back in those day's so couple's didn't have to contact me in order to find which suite was theirs.  I am sure such places/services still are available in SL.


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A giftcard from a furniture store. You can discreetly click "edit" on some of their things to find their favorite store. Or go with something "safe" like Trompe Loeil.

Whose name to set it in? If you know just one of them, set your friends name, but say it is for both.

If you know them both, who are most interested in decorating? Set it in his/her/? name...

I have never been in a SLwedding, so I made up this.


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   It's a bit like asking what you should give your mother for Christmas. You're going to get impersonal, uninspired, cliche gift suggestions for pointless clutter that's unlikely to ever be used; and giving gift cards or cash is just a cop out.

   They are (presumably) your friends, and surely you should know of some of the things that they enjoy doing, whether individually or together. If they enjoy things that you aren't familiar with, inquire about that instead - 'what would be a good present for someone who enjoys skiing'?

   The only thing that comes to mind that 'always works' are books. You can get books on just about anything these days. Over the past five years I've successfully turned my brother into a crafts junkie by, bit by bit, giving him a small collection of woodworking books with the basics for wood carving and simple projects you can do with simple hand tools - and in response he has begun to build up a collection of knives and chisels. Now I'm just waiting for the Christmas he'll give me something he made himself, and that will be the best thing he ever gave me.

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38 minutes ago, Orwar said:

and giving gift cards or cash is just a cop out

I love gift cards.  I never saw it as a cop out but rather an option to buy whatever I would like and it was very much appreciated.   In real life though my favorite gift is the gift of music.  But, even with the gift of music, sometimes I just preferred the person pick out their own as I cannot know everything they have.

A person on the SL forums gave me a giftcard to Earthstones.  Every time I wear the bracelet I picked out at Earthstones, I think of that random anonymous person who gave me the giftcard and think how truly thoughtful that was.   Actually, I was just thinking of this recently because I just wore the bracelet for a couple of weeks just recently.  

43 minutes ago, Orwar said:

he'll give me something he made himself, and that will be the best thing he ever gave me.

However, I really agree with this too in real life...giving gifts we made ourselves.  Those are amazing.  I would buy old "cutter" quilts and make stuffed Christmas ornaments (kitty friendly) for my family.  Cutter quilts are old quilts that are falling apart and really only good for crafts anymore.  They can easily be found on Ebay.  I made my own stockings for the whole family several times too out of antique quilts and antique lace.  

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57 minutes ago, Orwar said:

giving gift cards or cash is just a cop out.

My kids have actually requested gift cards to specific places before -- my son asks for Steam cards all the time.

Giving a gift card to a really fancy restaurant to someone that would not typically take themselves out to a super nice dinner would actually be considered a great gift by some folks that I know.

I have another friend that still loves physical books, but he buys them faster than I can keep track. I often give him a gift card to his favorite local book store.

Another friend loves me giving her Starbucks cards, because she truly goes there lots.

Granted, one of the generic Mastercard/Visa/etc... type gift cards is a cop out, IMO, but centering in on a specific card for someone is often very thoughtful.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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38 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

My kids have actually requested gift cards to specific places before -- my son asks for Steam cards all the time.

Giving a gift card to a really fancy restaurant to someone that would not typically take themselves out to a super nice dinner would actually be considered a great gift by some folks that I know.

I have another friend that still loves physical books, but he buys them faster than I can keep track. I often give him a gift card to his favorite local book store.

Another friend loves me giving her Starbucks cards, because she truly goes there lots.

Granted, one of the generic Mastercard/Visa/etc... type gift cards is a cop out, IMO, but centering in on a specific card for someone is often very thoughtful.

I really relate to this...it sounds like my family too.  Targeted giftcards.  If I start asking questions such as "do you have _________________ (fill in the blank music or book for example), I felt most likely they are going to figure it out anyway, especially if I start asking questions close to the holiday.

But, for wedding, oh yeah...Scylla mentioned it...better check registry first off and then I'd say to the OP, follow your heart about it.  I just have a new home in SL, so I think it's the little things that really make a home special but how to translate that into a wedding gift isn't the easier thing in the world.

For a gift other than a giftcard and if no registry, I'd give a potted plant or a bottle of champagne with drinking glasses.  If I knew a female in the wedding, if she had no bachelorette party, I'd send her some lingerie for her honeymoon but that is rather intimate so it would depend upon our friendship but also I said if she had no bachelorette party.    I feel if I add a potted plant to my new home it will really add some warmth to it.  Some potted plants are just gorgeous and 1 LI now.  

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Other than very early on, and with people that I considered very good friends in rl, not just sl...I won't give someone a gift for an sl wedding. I think it's weird for people to expect them, and I find "registries" for them super tacky in sl. I  have been told by people it's "offensive" and "hurtful", on more than one occasion (I've been to a LOT of weddings in sl, even officiated at some) to not give a gift for such occasions in sl, and it's soured my entire opinion on the matter.

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