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2 minutes ago, CarolynBrown1 said:

Linden Home- I want to sell my land to get a new Linden Home in a community. I do not know how to give the land up to receive credit. I am a Premium member  who use my free land to add onto my land,

Pick up all of your objects.  Click the land title at the top of the viewer and either set it to sell for some amount or click Abandon, which just gives it back to LL. 

Once abandoned or sold, the tier will be freed up.  If the land (and thus tier) was in a group, remove your tier donation from the group.

Then you can get a Linden Home.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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Note that if you abandon it, you will get no money back. If you want to recover what you paid for it, you'll need to set it for sale instead and hope that someone will buy it.  People are still buying but slowly; my last parcel sold a week ago for just slightly more than I paid for it - but it was listed for sale for about three weeks.

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36 minutes ago, CarolynBrown1 said:

can I sell the 1024 that was free from LL? It is added to my sim

It's not very clear what your land situation is. LL does not give a free 1024, you still have to buy it, unless someone else gave it to you. It's the tier (monthly fee) that is waived. If you "added it to your sim" does that mean you own a sim, and the 1024 is deeded to the group, but is on mainland? You can still sell or abandon anything you own (including the free tier parcel), other than actual Linden Homes, which can only be abandoned.



Edited by Morena Tully
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44 minutes ago, CarolynBrown1 said:

can I sell the 1024 that was free from LL? It is added to my sim



If I understand you correctly, you have more than 1024 in Mainland, and want to get rid of 1024 of it so you can have a Linden home. If that's the case, and the 1024 was joined to your other land using the Edit Terrain land tools, you will need to go back in and subdivide 1024 to separate it from the rest of your land. This assumes that you want to keep that other land, of course.

Once you have subdivided the 1024, you can abandon or set it for sale.  

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If you have other mainland than the 1024,  where you are paying tier to LL each month already, you could keep the 1024 sqm if you wanted, and still get a Linden Home -- however that could raise the amount of tier you pay each month (depending on where you are in the tier levels and how many sqm - if any - you have available in your current tier level). 

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for me it's a bit of difficult to understand the situation.

do you already own a Linden Home?
or do you own mainland?
If the last, how much tier you have spare?.. if that is enough you can get your Linden Home without leaving the other land. If not you have to sell or abandond the land you have now, or upgrade to a different higher level of tier.

If you move, do as already answered by others... pick up your items ..sell or leave the land and move to a linden Home ( IF available)

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Yes, we do not know what to help you with. It started to be confusing in this post:

3 hours ago, CarolynBrown1 said:

can I sell the 1024 that was free from LL? It is added to my sim



If you will, can you post a slurl (the adress to the land you will sell) so can one of us go there and look at the size, the borders and what that bridge is.

I am trying to sell a part now with free sunset view and no very ugly builds around, but it is slow. Start with what you bought the land for. It is unlikely that you will get more.

If you are in a hurry, you may have to sell for less. Reduce the price with 1000 L every week or every other day.

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8 hours ago, CarolynBrown1 said:


 OK, the 1024 is separate. I suggest you do as Marianne suggests regarding price. (This really isn't the forum for discussing Mainland land sales, so you may want to post further questions about the sale itself in the Mainland forum.)

As for how to get a Linden home, read here for all the info you need:


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