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Hello how to replace a gesture that says something in the chat with a click button


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Hello there I expose my problem of the day lol ...

I made a kind of ball to wear that when I type /99 run in the chat or if I use a gesture that says /99 run it makes me run for a short time

how can I create a button to wear in hud that when I click on it replaces my gesture or my command in the chat?

Basically a button when I click on it says /99 run and activates the script in the cube I'm wearing.

I made with a simple script but of course it doesn't work because it gives the name of my object when I click on it ... so I really don't see how to tinker with it...

thank you in advance if any of you have an idea of what you would like to see.

beautiful day


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The script that's listening for "/99 run" is evidently listening specifically to you. Instead it's going to need to get messages from the HUD you want to script, perhaps by listening to everything, then filtering down received messages to only those from objects with the same owner.

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a way is to use dialog buttons to chat on the channel. Example:


    touch_start(integer total_number)
        // some texts you want to say
        list buttons = ["run", "jump", "hop"];
        // will say the button text on channel as if it comes from owner
        llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Say something\n", buttons, 99);

// simple listener test script in other object
        llListen(99, "", llGetOwner(), "");

    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string text)
        llOwnerSay(llKey2Name(id) + " said: " + text);


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