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Bay City 2020 -- Annual Tree Lighting

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Coming to Second Life® for the eleventh year in a row is Bay City's annual annual Tree Lighting event on Sunday, 6th December 2020 from 1-4 pm SL. 

The event will be held at the Bay City Fairgrounds, in North Channel ( http://slurl.com/secondlife/North%20Channel/128/128/24/ ) and will feature GoSpeed of KONA stream and live performances by Maximillion Kleene and Wolfie Starfire. The event will also feature ice-skating, dancing, refreshments and plenty of fun for everyone!

As part of the event, a silent auction will again be held to support Child's Play Charity (www.childsplaycharity.org) and a. We are asking Second Life® designers and artists to participate by providing fun, interesting, unique, or other transferable items (or a no-copy object that the auction winner can give to you to redeem their prize, if the item(s) have to be no transfer). Please contact Marianne McCann to participate. 

Auction will end at the conclusion of the event. All proceeds from the silent auction and from donation bins at the venue will go to Child's Play Charity. Child's Play is a 501c3 non profit organization offers online communities such as ours an opportunity to help seriously ill children around the globe during their hospital stays with the purchase of games and gaming equipment. Bay City has raised over US$3000.00 for Child's Play at the tree lighting and at charity car washes held in Second Life®

Bay City is a mainland community, developed by Linden Lab® and home to the Bay City Alliance. The Bay City Alliance was founded in 2008 to promote the Bay City regions of Second Life and provide a venue for Bay City Residents and other interested parties to socialize and network. It is now the largest group for Residents of Bay City.

For more information, or to participate in the event, please contact Marianne McCann.


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