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SL relationship counseling-Who could use a friendly listener?


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Trying to get started, seeking new clients to see if this is helpful for people.

Counseling in SL, specializing in reaching healthy fulfilling relationships.  Just a willing listener eager to try and help other SL citizens have a better experience here.

We all deserve to feel loved, whether in SL or the RL, no matter how we choose to express ourselves, or what excites us.  I am committed to supporting and encouraging healthy SL relationships, fully inclusive of all genders and orientations, polyamory, BDSM, Furrys and all other kinks.  There is no reason to feel ashamed of what brings you joy.

Text/IM is preferred

If you need help understanding, friends, lovers or anyone in between, there is help out there.  Don't feel afraid to reach out, we can all have a better more rewarding SL.

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